FUMUKU International
Thank you for this opportunity, you won't regret it!
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] PaulB

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:81010017

Your Age: 13

Hours on server: 382

RP Events you have been in: Casino RP on E-fest, Can't remember any more.

RP Point Amount: 1

Ban History on Fearless RP: None


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security Division


Full Name: 'Paul Patrick Brennan'

All Nicknames: Paul, Pat,

Age: 24

Date of Application: 07/10/14


Date of birth:   09/03/1990

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Maesteag, Wales.

Telephone Number: +44 3069 990820

Mobile: 07500 - 89 - 56 - 32

Driver's License Number: OX-10


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 3, Kings Avenue

Zip code: LD74 2TG

Suburb / City Bridgend

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 4, Trumble Square

Zip code: LD75 2GF

Suburb / City Cardiff


Why are you applying? I'm applying for a clan to work for/work with, to help others and use my skills/talents for other people and use their skills/talents for my weaknesses.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I was a Alterix Security Assault Team member, Also a Builder.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I'm active, I'm loyal, and I have a good aim, You may pick others, But I all I want is to help others, get more strengths then weaknesses, Do security, and make sure people are secure and safe, I may only use a pistol or so forth, But I'll do my best to defend of a Assault rifle if it comes to it also you should pick me because:

- I respect other people and show kindness

- I could help funding for FUMUKU

What will you offer FUMUKU? I can offer my building qualities, I'm a good person at building elevators. I have a good shot at nearly any gun, And I'm respectable, and I respect people back and show kindness when I really am not in the mood.

Character Bio: I'm Paul Brennan, A 24 Year old welsh man, Who believes in his country and his faith. Practiced in firearms, and has taken a Building course, Built for multiple people, and also sold people buildings, I believe in the security and respect, kindness and safety is the main key to any security, I also like to read, fish and play sports, I also believe in Christianity and a strong believer in God. I am also interested in Computer Programming and electronics my father was called Mark John Brennan, I was named after my mam's brother Paul, Who died of a brain tumor. I do not often discuss his death en front of multiple people, but only in private. I was born in Maesteag used to work for a government security company called Alterix which then lost the contract for the Government protection and was forced to close. I used to be in SAS, We was a team of 8, Their was multiple Taliban hunting us down, Our radio's frequency's wasn't tuned in rightly, we had no contact what so ever to the main base, 3 of my colleges was shot dead straight en front of me, the other four was captured, most likely tortured I was the only one who got away that day. When I did make contact to the main base, I was picked up, and placed on drips for weeks, (Because I had no food, no water) That was the end of my SAS Career, then I moved to Alterix, for Private Security. But since that has lost the contract, I would love to be in FUMUKU Security Division as I would like to get back into the field.

Thanks for taking the time to read my app.
Paul Brennan
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  • Suarez
@bloodygamer, perhaps you could try putting more effort into your character bio and such to further your chances of employment?
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] evilmat360

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37916807

Your Age: 17

Hours on server: 1030

RP Events you have been in: n/a

RP Point Amount: 2

Ban History on Fearless RP: 0


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security


Full Name: Matthew Quinn - Skillings

All Nicknames: N/A

Age: 27

Date of Application: 11/10/2014 (The 11th of October two-thousand and fourteen)


Date of birth: 16/01/1987

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: London,United Kingdom

Telephone Number: +19442945234

Mobile: +14994327532

Driver's License Number:


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Appt 2A
South Drive

Zip code: 35801

Suburb / City: City

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 31 October End
United Kingdom

Zip code: W5 5RT

Suburb / City: Suburb


Why are you applying? I am currently unemployed, due to the closure of the last business I worked for, MEGA Corporation was forced into Bankruptcy. I have heard that many of my neighbours and friends that I have made in EvoCity have found a job at the international company that is, FUMUKU. This would mean that I would easily fit in with the rest of the team, without the need for a large introduction

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I have provided my services to many security companies before, but sadly all of these businesses failed to stay in business longer than a few months. I have defended many governments from being raided by activist groups and lowlifes.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I have sufficent funds to purchase my own weaponry and protective clothing, I already have experience in the protection of government officials and private parties.

What will you offer FUMUKU? I will offer them my skills as a fighter and defender as you would expect of a security team member, But I would also be prepared to offer my technological skills when it comes to constructing defenses and security for contractors.

Character Bio: Matthew Quinn-Skillings was born in the United Kingdoms Capital City, London, To two loving parents, One a local amusement park worker and the other a teaching assistant in a local school. He managed to pass his School qualifications with ease but chose to enlist in the millitary rather than heading to University. While training he gained many valuable skills, that would later be useful when working for security companies.

After serving in the military for 5 years, with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, Matthew decided to find somewhere he could put his Military skills to use, this is when he Joined Nova Organisation, this was until the management had a large argument and the business ended up closing.

Matthew then tried his hand at construction by setting up his own small business called RedTech, he learned many skills in the process and many of the constructions were projects for the government of EvoCity. Blackwatch then arrived in the city and offered Matthew a position he could not refuse and he joined the team to offer protection to the many customers EvoCity had. All good things had to come to an end though as the reputation of Blackwatch had hit rock bottom and nobody would even hire them. Then Matthew found MEGA Corporation where he joined the P&D department to further boost his technology and constructions skills. Sadly MEGA recently filed for Bankruptcy and all of the employees were made redundant. Matthew is currently unemployed and looking for a new job.
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  • Greed^, TheCasanova, Barkles, Mark-the-Mushroom, Suarez
Out of Character Information


Steam Name: ChaosNinja5


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50035113


Your Age: 15


Hours on server: 161


RP Events you have been in: If your talking major, organised by admins etc. then no. 


RP Point Amount:0


Ban History on Fearless RP: 4 (as far as i'm aware none in fail/fear RP) 







In Character Information: 


Division you are applying for: Security Division.




Full Name: Jack Fullbright 


All Nicknames: Jack, Chaos 




Date of Application: 14/10/2014 (14th October 2014) 




Date of birth: 28 /08/82


Gender: M / F- M


Place of Birth: Cardiff, Wales 


Telephone Number: 0800-900-1066


Mobile: 245-678-534


Driver's License Number: 10096DWDXYZ




Current Residence (Complete in Full)

 12 LakeSide st.



United States 


 12 LakeSide st. 

Zip code:


Suburb / City


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

 5 Fallen Durst Close





 5 Fallen Durst Close 

Zip code:


Suburb / City





Why are you applying?

 I am applying because I want to protect the people of EvoCity, and ensure the safety of the president and other top priority people to protect.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?

 I was in a corporation which specialized into an extremely similar field of what I am applying for. I have also gone to locations and neutralizing threats and defending buildings and the Nexus. 

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?

 You should pick me for FUMUKU because I am experienced, know how to with situations in defending which is why I am applying. 

What will you offer FUMUKU?

 Loyalty, respect, and one more experienced officer. 

Character Bio

Jack Fullbright was born in Caridff, Wales. He had an easy life up to the age of 18 and became experienced with fire arms at the age of 16. By the time he reached 18 he was struggling to find a decent job, or any job for that matter. Apparently every job that met Jacks' qualifications was taken and was finding it difficult to keep going. He heard there was amazing job opportunities in a City called EvoCity. So 6 months after hearing this he packed his bags and flew to EvoCity where he would start his new life. He found that the city was bursting with opportunity and jobs were opening left and right. He came across a security company which with his firearm experience, did well in and got into the assault squad. However, due to finance problems the company disbanded and Jack was back to square one. He then went into the police force and with his firearm experience he became a valuable and accurate person in a raid. He then quit due to budget cuts and his pay was low. To this day he is looking for a job.  
This clan is awesome!

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I can recommend PaulB. He is a an excellent roleplayer with very clear knowledge of the rules
Application For FUMUKU International

Out of Character Information
Steam Name: BloodyGamer567
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42359434
Your Age: 13 but I'm mature and the thing is my voice is still a bit high
Hours on server: 108
RP Events you have been in:
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Fearless RP: 3
In Character Information: Born and raised in Wisconsin and I usually had no friends to be with so I grew up my childhood with my friend James 'Mattew' Taylor, and we've been friends ever since and we've live in the same city and trying to find a job that fits us. We moved to Brush Creek a year ago and it's been great.
Division you are applying for: Security Division
Full Name: John 'Bloody' Shnider
All Nicknames: Bloody
Age: 27
Date of Application: 2013 April 7
Date of birth:   6/7/1987
Gender: M
Place of Birth: United States 
Telephone Number: 262-781-8890
Mobile: 395-7935
Driver's License Number:F255-9215-0121-05
Current Residence (Complete in Full): A city just outside of Evo called Brush Creek and I know it sounds weird buts it's a great town.
Address: Cloverwood drive
Zip code: 84911
Suburb / City: City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full): Wisconsin 
Address: Skepin Ave
Zip code:53188
Suburb / City: Suburb
Why are you applying? Because I would like to take part in your Company and help protect the one who can't protect their selves.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I usually get hired for protecting General stores, restaurants, and the nexus.  
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Because I'm really experience and I can handle a bad situation.
What will you offer FUMUKU? My support, my protection, and my service
Character Bio: My name is John Shnider, I am 27 Years old, experienced in guns fight, worked for many company's, like to read hike and swim, I like to be with my kids, I am a family man, spend time on paper work, I like to go sail, I've looked into FUMUKU an I am looking forward to joining your clan.
(10-15-2014, 04:06 PM)BloodyGamer567 Wrote:  
Application For FUMUKU International

Out of Character Information
Steam Name: BloodyGamer567
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42359434
Your Age: 13 but I'm mature and the thing is my voice is still a bit high
Hours on server: 108
RP Events you have been in:
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Fearless RP: 3
In Character Information: Born and raised in Wisconsin and I usually had no friends to be with so I grew up my childhood with my friend James 'Mattew' Taylor, and we've been friends ever since and we've live in the same city and trying to find a job that fits us. We moved to Brush Creek a year ago and it's been great.
Division you are applying for: Security Division
Full Name: John 'Bloody' Shnider
All Nicknames: Bloody
Age: 27
Date of Application: 2013 April 7
Date of birth:   6/7/1987
Gender: M
Place of Birth: United States 
Telephone Number: 262-781-8890
Mobile: 395-7935
Driver's License Number:F255-9215-0121-05
Current Residence (Complete in Full): A city just outside of Evo called Brush Creek and I know it sounds weird buts it's a great town.
Address: Cloverwood drive
Zip code: 84911
Suburb / City: City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full): Wisconsin 
Address: Skepin Ave
Zip code:53188
Suburb / City: Suburb
Why are you applying? Because I would like to take part in your Company and help protect the one who can't protect their selves.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I usually get hired for protecting General stores, restaurants, and the nexus.  
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Because I'm really experience and I can handle a bad situation.
What will you offer FUMUKU? My support, my protection, and my service
Character Bio: My name is John Shnider, I am 27 Years old, experienced in guns fight, worked for many company's, like to read hike and swim, I like to be with my kids, I am a family man, spend time on paper work, I like to go sail, I've looked into FUMUKU an I am looking forward to joining your clan.

Put more effort in your character bio. Tell us your backstory.
Steam Name: - BloodyGamer567

Steam ID: STEAM_42359434

Note your previous application was denied on 10-05-2014, 06:50 AM

You cannot re-apply again until the 19th
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]

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