Selling Cars?
When im in-game people keep saying stuff like "Selling <Car> for <Amount>" But how do you actually give over a car to somebody, so they own it instead of you?
Press the "drop" button.....
But... wait if you use it? it belongs to you when it comes out... but if you drop it, someone else can pick it up?
(08-11-2011, 09:58 PM)ElementalOwnage Wrote: But... wait if you use it? it belongs to you when it comes out... but if you drop it, someone else can pick it up?

When you sell a car, the person that wants to buy it will give you money..
When he gave you the money, you click "Drop" on the car, so they can pick it up. Then its theirs
Used cars
Belong to you.
Remain in your inventory on disconnect.
Only able to be unlocked by you.

Dropped cars
Creates a version of the car that anyone can "Pickup"
After it is picked up it goes into that persons inventory.
They, THEY can unlock it and it belongs to them.

So dropping it makes it so someone can KEEP the car and using the car makes it remain yours.

K, got it thanks guys.

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