joeveryold unban
Your name: (joeveryold)

Your SteamID: (STEAM_0:0:26094463 )

Banning Admin: Storm

Ban Length:3 days

Reason for the ban:FearRP

Why we should unban you:
First of all I would just like to say that just because I am with todcat alot does not mean that I do all the stupid crap that he does. I really don't want people to think that of me. But here is what exactly happened. Ok I heard that the president was being held hostage at the amak building, and if he were to see any cops he would kill the president. He wanted 2000 dollars or he would kill the president. So I decided to go and free him as a rebel because if I were a cop he would be killed. Once I got there he let me into his base, he was holding his AK47. Before I was going to pay the money I wanted to see the president, but when he opened the cell he was being held in the president ran out. Then Mr.Rogers told me to step out of the room. While he was trying to get him back in I decided to go around the corner because I had no sight of Mr.Rogers. Then I pulled out my AK47 (I did not need to pull it out of my inventory I already had it out). He made this part sound like I yelled raid right in front of him and then pulled out my AK47 and shot him, but this is what actually happened. Then I yelled raid while still around the corner ran at him and killed him. Then I untied the president then holstered my rope (that's what was happening in the picture, I holstered my rope) then let him go. While on the way out another rebel tied him up then took him hostage. Then Mr.Rogers came back asked for him AK47, so I gave it to him. So I am not sure if that is still against FearRP. I apologize for what I did, but I would love to get back to playing.
what i readed i agree of not being against fearrp but u arent really rp by saving him as a rebel are u?
Ya I know it wasn't I didn't really think about that when I did it. But that was not what I was banned for.
Can someone please respond.
Ban expired, closed.
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

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