Perma Ban On Jake
Name of player: Jake

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82040057

Time in GMT: round about 00:40

Server: v2d

Summary: Ok so i was talking to Jaffa and suddenly i got a PM talking about me getting Dossed by Him and Ugnazi Clan so after reading everything he was saying and me replying i thought hey why not frighten him abit so i said you get me dossed and ill do the same back... so couple mins later he pulls and pmd me an IP and my ISP and i said that is not myne so i said where in london,UK do i live and he said some place and i said wrong , he then said Romford i said that in essex where i do live but im currently in East London then he went quiet and picked on Jaffa and pulled jaffas ip and he said that was wrong. Jake was going on about were breaking the law so we said your using and commfinder to locateus , they never work anyway so it went on and on and on then he finnaly left by saying TyqaVirgin you are probaly a virgin with no friends and no hobbies i then said yes i am a virgin and yes i dont have any hobbies i was agreeing with him then he left i do have screen shots i cant locate the rest but i will try to find them. forogt to mention he then brings Jaffa into the hole situation the other screenshots are him saying that hes not the one dossing us the "Ugnazi" are but later he says hes doing it. Yes i said i will get him dossed by xpower,darksec,and HFH but only to scare him because i get so angrey when people start saying about me getting dossed hope this guy gets banned PERMA and all thanks for reading Jaffa will be posting a BR aswell im sure so that wil also have screenshots on it with his side of the story.
- TyqaVenom

Well, this isn't entirely true now is it? Your whole statement has been twisted towards your advantage.

I tried to explain to you many times that I have no association with UGNazi's apart from mutual friends which I happened to be TeamViewing whilst you attempted to get cocky online; this resulted in you angering them which caused them to confront and inform UGNazi of the situation. Once in UGNazi's hands they proceeded to send you to an IP Grabbing URL which retrieved your IP address (**removed**). I do believe that they were correct when revealing your location and internet provider. The DDoS threats where made entirely by them and I claim no responsibility for any laws broken under the Computer Misuse Act (1990).

I do recall you claimed that you would "put me in a coma" and that I sounded 14 with no life to which I responded; claiming you to be a virgin which you openly admitted to along with some other embarrassing things about yourself having no hobbies.

I claim responsibility for verbally insulting this fellow players with the use of the word "virgin" and accept a temporary ban from the server for this. However, I claim no responsibility to any virtual attack threats.
Wow so now ur acting all innocent online you were all this and that locating our ip and being completely wrong with it all mate does not help when I have ADHD and having to put up woth u randomly private messageing me saying you don't know what you got yourself into ok then randomly getting Jaffa involved attempting to get his IP but now u know that I posted this BR ur acting innocent also being any part of hacking in fearless will result in a ban. You must of been apart to tell them to target me for no bloody reason I had done nothing wrong this all started because sacker was going to post a br on you because of all ur rule breaking today so hopefully you get banned perma of telling people to dos me
Jordan, I'm sorry for any enragement this may have caused. I cannot fully understand what you have typed out as the grammar used is of poor quality. However, I shall try to correct the invalid points which you have tried to make.

Firstly, the IP is not completely wrong but I understand your need to bluff. "You don't know what you've gotten yourself into" was not meant as a threat but a warning and I do believe Dr.Jaffacake got himself involved with the situation when he was undervaluing the capability of UGNazi and asked for me to send him the IP Grabbing URL.

As explained before; I did not tell anyone to DDoS you; you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and happened to get cocky throughout it.
I don't care what you have to say ok, I don't care about my grammar, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time eh. I was at bp stood their talking to Jaffa then I get a pm from you randomly so don't gimmie that bullshit. Your threatening me and such ok telling me I will be on their target list next week and be booted for 1-3 months but if I did get dossed , witch won't happen 100% guaranteed then fine i will use my mates i don't really care. But you are acting innocent because you don't want to get banned so just stop with the lies and all ok earlier you would not shut up. Everyone is my witness that was online
Well, I shan't continue as I can see you are getting rather enraged. I'll leave it at that and allow the administrators to decide on the outcome of this claim.

Please remember my recent $160 donation and consider my affection for this server.
Don't matter about the donation but yes I am abit angry still i also love the server but I don't go around pm people and say there getting dossed for no reason i also want a reason why I'm apparently getting dossed I'm a nice guy ask people around the server
for getting someones IP in order to scare / ddos threaten them on the FL server is unacceptable
not to mention publicly posting it ingame and on here
Perm ban approved

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