Unban request Agorith
Name: Agorith
Ban ID: 527885
Banned by: [FL:M] Link66
Reason of ban: "FearRP. 'I'm in my car... so. Yeah'"
Involved: Someone called Venom (not the admin, the other one)

Why we should unban you:

I basically had a nervous breakdown, I didn't know WHAT to say even though deep in my mind I should've known what to say. But I feel like it's not fair since I really did not mean to break FearRP and it was just a misunderstanding.

So I got banned for 24 hours (at midnight so basically 2 days since the server isn't playable at night due to lack of admins) for breaking FearRP so they said. I was in my car and thought I was getting pointed at with a taser, apparentely it was an actual gun so anyway, I drove away and got pulled by Link66 (admin ) and he asked why I broke FearRP, I broke down and literally didn't know what to say so I said the most random thing "I was in my car, so yeah.." Immediately after that I got a 24 hour ban from the server. I would like to apoligize if I DID break FearRP but I wasn't aware of it at all. (Yes, I know the rules so it's not about that.)
You still broke fearrp.
Kind Regards,

(08-25-2014, 01:15 PM)Link66 Wrote: You still broke fearrp.

A warning might've been more fair, not an immediate ban.
I was told getting pointed at by a taser isn't fearrp, I thought it was a taser. Therefor you could be a little less power hungry and a little more forgiving to the people that keep your server alive.
We do not have to issue warnings, especially not in FearRP cases I'm afraid.

We uphold the rules and we punish people when they break them. It's not always popular what we do, but we do it anyways.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(08-25-2014, 02:27 PM)Enzyme Wrote: We do not have to issue warnings, especially not in FearRP cases I'm afraid.

We uphold the rules and we punish people when they break them. It's not always popular what we do, but we do it anyways.

Now that's a reply I can live with. I'll see you turds later.

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