
Hours: 580
RP points: 1
Steam Name: FuriousFarley
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55704074
Bans (I will check don't lie): 3
Blacklists (I will also check this so don't lie): I believe I have 2 (one from vehicles and the other from props, toolgun and physgun, so 4 if you want to count them like that)
Examples of significant passive rps you have been apart of in the past: Xbox Store (got my RP point from that), 'Helicopter Crash RP'.


Full Name: Dave Davidson
Age: 27
Previous Jobs: S.I.S, Presidential Security, Researcher for the C.D.C.
Job applying for: Astronaut
Why you want a job at NASA: I have always been greatly interested in the universe and would love to find out new things about it.
What is your knowledge of science: I studied at the University of Science in Evocity for nearly 2 years.
What college did you graduate from: Evocity College
Hobbies: Fishing, basketball, paintball.

Hours: 200 and something soon to be 300
RP points:0
Steam Name: thebambiman
Steam ID:
Bans (I will check don't lie):2
Blacklists (I will also check this so don't lie):17 but I have stopped doing that stuff
Examples of significant passive rps you have been apart of in the past: a drag race if it counts


Full Name: bobby Brantley
Previous Jobs:tow truck employee, engineer and builder
Job applying for:mission control
Why you want a job at NASA:I think it will be a very good experience
What is your knowledge of science: I got a degree from the university of evo city in science
What college did you graduate from: evo city collage of science
Hobbies:repairing old cars

I don't know my steam id I will try and get it

RP points: 0 - However I am an experience RPer, with 4 years of Serious Roleplay under my belt.
Steam Name: [MS] Judge Nicolas Rage
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59572596
Bans (I will check don't lie): 0
Blacklists (I will also check this so don't lie): 0
Examples of significant passive rps you have been apart of in the past: Sadly I've not been a part of any events, however I've been doing much roleplay with an Evocity Traffic Police unit, a lot of which was passive and not agressive. I also as I said, have four years Serious Roleplay experience under my belt, PassiveRP in that.


(bear with me about an hour for my steamid and my hours)
Full Name: Alex 'Rage' Robsin
Age: 23
Previous Jobs: Police Dispatch, Police Scotland, Cybercrime Unit, Police Scotland, Evocity Transport Police.
Job applying for: Mission Control
Why you want a job at NASA: I have worked in the Police for a while, and I am looking for a new challenge, and as so I decided to look to the stars - and get a job at NASA.
What is your knowledge of science: I have extensive knowledge of Space and the Solar System, as well as some sciences.
What college did you graduate from: I graduated from the University of Glasgow.
Hobbies: Snowboarding, Camping, Shooting and Fishing.
This looks like good fun, good luck and enjoy guys!

Hours: About 290hrs
RP points: 1
Steam Name: [FL:RP] CapybaraZech
Steam ID:
Bans (I will check don't lie): 4
Blacklists (I will also check this so don't lie): Embarassing past however 5 (Comes up as 8 but 3 are a set, the toolgun, entities props and phsygun)
Examples of significant passive rps you have been apart of in the past: I'm present for all Fearless Events ever since I joined, for example I was present on the Zombie survival event hosted by Crow and the Anticosti RP and Combine RP hosted by Vauld and Flood, very recently. I engage in a lot of small passive RPs and make great use of /me and /it and can really add an emotional touch to all RPs.


Full Name: Johen 'Capy' Jockenheim
Age: 28
Previous Jobs: Owner of Off License BP, Evocity Cable and an intern of Evocity Space Programme
Job applying for: Mission Controller
Why you want a job at NASA: I think I have the skills in IT from past jobs and hobbies to have what it takes to work for NASA. I know my science from qualifications and I know my IT from hobbies and past jobs, and I want to be at the pinnacle of the future, the future of history and mankind.
What is your knowledge of science: I have a Masters Degree (ooc: Think that's what it's called) in astrophysics, an A* A level in Astronomy, A n A in all three science GCSEs after passing Triple Science in Year 11.
What college did you graduate from: Evocity University of IT and The Sciences.
Hobbies: Airfix Modeling, Computer Programming, Scouting (I am a scout leader at troop 1 of Evocity Scouts) and Attending Children's science fairs to help and observe how the younger generations succeed.

What happened to this?
(06-16-2015, 05:37 AM)MacTavish Wrote: What happened to this?

Not needed bump, mate.
Kind Regards Chocolate Labrador

(06-16-2015, 12:25 PM)Chocolate Labrador Wrote:
(06-16-2015, 05:37 AM)MacTavish Wrote: What happened to this?

Not needed bump, mate.

No need to try start a flame war on this post. Just leave it. There was not need for your comment, simply immature.
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]

Hours: 650+
RP points: 2
Steam Name: [FL:RP] mintblackbeard
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:70077597
Bans (I will check don't lie): 0
Blacklists (I will also check this so don't lie): 8
Examples of significant passive rps you have been apart of in the past: BarberRP


Full Name:Johnathon 'mint' Macira
Age: 25
Previous Jobs: Worked as a SWAT stratagist and sniper for 6 years.
Job applying for: Mission Control
Why you want a job at NASA: To help humans in our quest for knowlege (and that big salary)
What is your knowledge of science: Got a A in school.
What college did you graduate from: University of 2D
Hobbies: Cricket, Photoshop, Gaming, Coding games, 3D Modeling.
(06-16-2015, 04:14 PM)BasicallyMental Wrote:
(06-16-2015, 12:25 PM)Chocolate Labrador Wrote:
(06-16-2015, 05:37 AM)MacTavish Wrote: What happened to this?

Not needed bump, mate.

No need to try start a flame war on this post. Just leave it. There was not need for your comment, simply immature.

That wasn't needed either? Stop targeting people for everything they do eh? Don't really see how it was immature either?

tmes left the server ages ago, this probably won't happen. I mean I applied with 200 hours. I now have 960...

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