I Need Help im banned
Your name: (Ect0chr0m3) now its (Smokestack)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17216649

Banning Admin:[FL] Thetimanator

Ban Length: where do you find out how long the ban is? it did not say when i was banned

Reason for the banSadPunchwhoring, failrp, fail fear rp) i was walking into an apartment while punching the air and an admin popped out in front of me and i hit him by accident, then he pulled out a gun i didn't know he was an admin so i ran and hid
then he teleported me to his position and said "did you just punchwhore me?" i replied " i didn't mean to i was puching the air at first." it was an accident.

Why we should unban you: because i didnt have enough time to explain
to (Thetimanator) he banned me before i could say enough to convince him it was an accident and i would like to continue playing on this server, i was also thinking about donating, im not the kind of person that likes to be jerk to people please consider this.
thank you for your time.

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I don't have a FL signature...
But look! I have BACON!

[Image: bacon.png]

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