Why did i get banned?
Your name: (suicidal)

Your SteamID: (STEAM_0:0:9415537 )

Banning Admin: shark i believe

Ban Length: 2000 ( i think saw it for a split second)

Reason for the ban: killing a hostile in a hostage situation??

Why we should unban you:Yeah, President was hostage and I took out both kidnappers while the president was in his little hidey hole. If i knew this would happen i would have taken pics. [FL:RP]Frohmosapien|NO SOUND was there and saw the hole thing. I was within the rules. And for what ever reason if i wasn't what am i going to do pay him when he had no reason? I don't know if its against the rules but they also betrayed everyone. They built up everything and procted the pres and just took him hostage. but anyway.... I don't see anything in the rules that states what i did was illegal

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