Ban Request On thebambiman and CH33SEB4LLS
Names of Player: thebambiman & CH33S3B4LLS

SteamID: (thebambiman) STEAM_0:0:89035709 (CH33SEB4LLS) STEAM_0:1:77408047

Time In GMT: N/A. All the recordings have been on different dates, recorded over the weekend

Sever: I beleive it was on v33x all the time

Summary: Well they were just minging around all weekend so I managed to record some.
Accusing thebambiman of FailRP
Accusing CH33S3B4LLS of RDM , FailRP

[Image: s2v8yq.jpg]

Thank You To DANBIDz For My Signuature!
They also random raided houses as a rebels. They hostaged me and they wanted 5k after i explained how much they can actully ask they understood so i gave them 2k after that they killed me. I dont have proofs about that but i have proofs about propblocking and stuff. They are big minges on that server, that what i would like to say.
(07-21-2014, 12:02 PM)blacky2131 Wrote: They also random raided houses as a rebels. They hostaged me and they wanted 5k after i explained how much they can actully ask they understood so i gave them 2k after that they killed me. I dont have proofs about that but i have proofs about propblocking and stuff. They are big minges on that server, that what i would like to say.

I know, they have done so much more and I have been told about all different shit they do, but that is all I managed to record
[Image: s2v8yq.jpg]

Thank You To DANBIDz For My Signuature!
Last time I was SRU Sergeant CH33SEB4LLS random raided with 4/5 other rebels, lied about holstering gun (He used ammo and took it out) (I had already killed him), He had then come back up the elevator, broken NLR, come out with a gun, attempted to shoot me, and still failing, got owned, once again he says he's holstering the gun, so a pretty bad liar if you ask me, but this was a new president (BlueCakeDrop) and completely random raid.

I never see thebambiman breaking rules so I can't really comment on anything he's done.
(07-21-2014, 02:13 PM)InTheBeef Wrote: Last time I was SRU Sergeant CH33SEB4LLS random raided with 4/5 other rebels, lied about holstering gun (He used ammo and took it out) (I had already killed him), He had then come back up the elevator, broken NLR, come out with a gun, attempted to shoot me, and still failing, got owned, once again he says he's holstering the gun, so a pretty bad liar if you ask me, but this was a new president (BlueCakeDrop) and completely random raid.

I never see thebambiman breaking rules so I can't really comment on anything he's done.

You know what, that doesn't surprise me. These two are probably the biggest mingers on the server at the minute. Except from like the prop killers/pushers.
[Image: s2v8yq.jpg]

Thank You To DANBIDz For My Signuature!
Oh finally a BR on them... Damn... Remember yesterday guys? Those two broke NLR twice just to kill the president and become one... Damn...
Kind Regards,

[Image: output_QRPOl_L.gif]
I was "speeding" at 21 mph in a 20 and he shot at me with no warning... This guy should be banned, his attitude to RP is not good at all.
thebambiman, Ch33SEB4LLS and some other guy have been breaking every rule in the book (LITERALLY). In this game I just had he was RDMing, Random lockpicking, Breaking NLR, Breaking FearRP, Propblocking (that was Ch33seB4lls). They have been horrific and need a ban on them urgently, they also CDMd and lots and lots of other rule breaking things including Homophobic language (I believe, he said bugger off which I'm very certain is a phrase refering to gays). Either way, BAN THEM PLEASE (I'm suffering here)
He should be banned Permanently
Mexico is not safe
I agree with every you guys are saying. They are just ridiculous minges and have such a bad reputation. I hate them and I'm sure so many other people agree. Every time I see them in the game I assume they are minging around and breaking rules and that is just because of there aweful reputation
[Image: s2v8yq.jpg]

Thank You To DANBIDz For My Signuature!

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