Estleback Corporation
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL] Infernaw

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43964937

How many hours do you have on the servers?: 1324

Real Age: 18

How many RP points do you have?: 29

How many bans do you have?: 1

What timezone do you live in (GMT)?: +1

In-Character Information

Personal Information:

Full Name: Lyca Wellington

Code name: Infy

Age: 24

Nationality: England

Personal traits: Charismatic, loyal, brave.

Tell us about him/her and his/hers history:
Lyca Wellington was born in Brighton, England. Together with her two older brothers, Anthony and John Wellington, they heired their grand father's successful tea company, Wellington's Tea. After a few years, they decided to expand their business into the USA, and moved into EvoCity, where they opened shops and factories for their company.
Since Lyca's older brothers took care of the company the most, she had a lot of time to do other things in her life, so she went to an education, and trained into becoming an agent. The training was successful, and she joined the S.A.A.
Later on in her life as an agent and co. founder of Wellington's, she got herself into a relationship with a man, and resigned from her duty as an agent.
A year later, she was offered a job for Cerberus Sierra, that unfortunately did not last long.
All she has now is her company, looking for something new to strive for in life.

Normal Information:

Why are you applying for Estleback Corporation?: Because I've always been curious and interested in what EBC is up to. It seems to be well-structured and it would be fun to be a part of it.

What division are you applying for?: Security

Do you have any experience in the job you are applying for?: By reading the Character story above, it's obvious that I do.

Have you been in other clans, which one(s)? S.A.A, Designing Tomorrow, Cerberus Sierra

Do you have any reference we can contact?: Fultz, Grub, Verzyn, Narc.

How active are you on fearless forums 1-10?: 10

How active are you on the servers 1-10?: 7

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions? Yes
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
The following 11 users Like Infernaw's post:
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War Declaration:

Dear Citizens of Evocity,

Today, Estleback Corporation are declaring war on the The Candolini Family, along with Estleback Corporation's allies doing the same. This is a decision that we have been thinking about for a while now, and we have came to the decision that there is no other way to resolve the issue and keep the Citizens of Evocity safe. The reasons for this are stated below:-

“Recently, many letters from The Candolini Family to Estleback members regarding a newly formed contract with The Candolini Family, which was requesting them to join The Candolini Family.”

"One of Estleback's agents, Alejandro was kidnapped and tortured by The Candolini Family after a disagreement. Estleback and S.A.A view this act as unacceptable, and an act of war is the only way to bring the men guilty of these actions to face justice."

Due to this, as stated, Estleback have came to the joint decision with The Shadow Associates Agency, that war is the best method of dealing with The Candolini Family. Details about this are to be offered below.

Estleback's Representative is as follows:
Edward Petersons (Wood) - Edward shall be the Estleback Representative from the date of declaring war (today) until Saturday 19th July. After this, he leaves for a trip out of Evocity for the following two weeks after that date. During this time the next Representative will take over.

Steve Burwin (Link66) - Steve shall be the Representative from Saturday 19th July until Sunday 27th July. After this, the next Representative will take over.

Micheal "Flood" Stanson (Floodify) - Micheal shall be the Representative from Sunday 27th July until further notified.

War Agreement
The war agreement, signed by Estleback & S.A.A can be read here:

Change in alert
Due to this, Estleback has gone into a state of alert and any sort of minor attack, no matter who from is considered a form of terrorist attack against the organisation and will be met with severe consequences.

This also means our HQ is a no go zone. If you enter or try to enter our HQ, armed or not, you shall be detained. Please note all gunfire shall be returned.

We thank you for your co operation during these current times and we hope you understand why we have done what we have done, and are co operative with the methods we will use to keep the Citizens of Evocity in safe hands.

Estleback Governance
Edward Petersons, Steve Burwin and Micheal Stanson
Kind Regards,
The following 8 users Like Wood's post:
  • Floodify, Ivan Tempski, Blurr, Grub, ArcHammer, Jordy, ousmN, Burnett
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[Image: EBCHeader2014_zps07bdc55d.png]


I have a lot of news to forward to you visitors. Where do I begin.. Well let's start with the newest addition to our arsenal! For days, weeks and months we have worked on her. Her accomplishments will be great for it has been built by the Corporation. I introduce to you the biggest and newest battleship in EvoCity... Jaguay Putelle II. She is the yet to be the biggest battleship in our arsenal and possibly in EvoCity as well. She got a total of four canons and two turrets. The ship has four decks, two whom are only accessible by the Governance. The command bridge is of new technology and is optimized to work well, even under heavy pressure. It requires three people to be driven properly, although an automated system can be turned on.. that way it requires only one to drive it. Unfortunately the speed is heavily decreased and so is the performance of the radar which is used to identify targets and enemies.

This is what it looked like three months ago:

[Image: 2014-06-04_00013_zps7419b301.jpg]

And now I am proud to show you the finalized ship:

[Image: zo94V1F.jpg]
[Image: 7ejSYVq.jpg]


Lenght: 45 meters
Hight: 17,5 meters
Top Speed: 35.2 knots
Levels: 5

Canon Type: 16"/50 caliber Mark 7 gun
Firing Range: 41,622 yards
Turret Weight (2x included): 535,808 lbs
Rotation: 180 degrees
Length of Canon: 17.35 m


Now to our second news,

After well proved dedication, loyalty and performance one of our Agent has been promoted to Sargent. He has not been with us for an eternity, however he has been with us a time before and he has yet again stunned the Governance with his skill set. I can still remember the very first day he stepped inside our head quarter. Corporation was a very small one back then, however he returned after a year or so.. and now he has resumed his employment here, but only better! I hope to see him teach the Agents of ours to gain the very skill set he has accomplished throughout his years. Please, welcome Sergeant Kpred as the new sergeant!


And third and final news,

We got two interesting individuals who has taken great measures needed to become on of us. One of them has en extensive history within the area we specialize in and it sure will come to good use. She can contribute with the talents she has explored and improved to increase the well being of EvoCity and Estleback. I have great hopes for her and I do believe she can make a change together with her fellow agents. Please welcome our newest addition, Agent Infernaw .

However, this is not the end to the new addition list! This individual has an impressing skill set, which has nothing but surprised me. His exploring and dedication to science has made him the better man, something we look for everyday. He can, no, he will make a footprint in this corporation.. if not in the history! I do believe so. Please welcome our newest Engineer, ArcHammer .

In times like these you may find it hard to become one of the group.. But that's not the case. Our members are currently under heavy pressure due to the current war. But during war, new bonds are created and old ones are re-made. Become one of them, be as proud of them, believe in the same goal as them... and most of all.. respect them, respect all of our members. And to all of you Agents who reads this.. I ask you to do the same. They are now our family, our brothers, our sister(s).

As for the rest of the applicants, the only ones that are under reviewing as of this moment is Mavis Dracula and Ivan Temspky. If you weren't mentioned you have been denied. I applogize for this blunt message to you, but we have no time to waste! Our Corporation has worked day in and day out for the last couple of weeks! We will not bow down to the enemy, we shall show them who we are, what we stand for and what we will do to they who work against us!

Director of Estleback Corporation
Micheal Stanson, Estleback Corporation Founder
The following 5 users Like Floodify's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, dig, ArcHammer, Zan, Burnett
It is an honour to work in this organisation, and I shall not let it down.
Thank you.

Ryan Nardini.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

The following 6 users Like ArcHammer's post:
  • dig, Ivan Tempski, Wood, MasterNoda, Blurr, Burnett
Welcome and congratulations.
Kind Regards,
Dear Members,
Today I announce my absence for the following two weeks due to a all inclusive trip to sunny EvoCity Valarite. I am heading out tomorrow so I shall be absent for them two weeks. I wish you all luck and I have no worry that Estleback will still function correctly without myself, as we have Steve and Micheal here!

Well, it's a sad announcement for me as I'll miss a lot of the action that's currently on going! After all though its a long needed break from everything mounding up in life and just to relax, as I'll be heading Egypt for two weeks. I'll be flying out at 1:55 this Sunday afternoon and honestly cannot wait. I'll have my phone on me and a hotel wifi, which I hear is terrible but oh well! I'll be on Steam when possible to have a chat with you all, and I might pop down to the place called "The Bus Stop" which is a internet bar thing. They have PCs with GMod, Skype ect.

I'd like to thank everyone for allowing me to be such a important rank in the corporation, and for you all intrusting me with managing things. So far this year I've had amazing times with Estleback. We've had a monorail, many meetings, and the huge current situation between us and TCF. I've had so much fun and its all down to our many members in the corporation, that I'd personally trust with my life if it came to it. Your all such a brilliant bunch and honestly we couldn't be more lucky to have you all.

Let's keep up the great work, as members of a community and a corporation. Once again, thank you for allowing me to be part of this, and special thanks to Floodify and Link for actually putting up with me over the past year or so, I know how annoying I may get! Side note on this, Link66 is now the Estleback Representative.

Hope to see you all soon, keep safe!

Director of Development
Edward Petersons, Estleback Corporation Associate
Kind Regards,
The following 8 users Like Wood's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, Blurr, Jordy, Floodify, Link, ArcHammer, Burnett, Zan
Thank you Edward for your great deeds for Estleback lately! You truly do deserve the rank. I trust every single one of my members and that's why I know we will win this war! We have something special, a bond of some kind. Not just professionally, but brotherly wise. All of you have signed up to something that could cost your life, but for a good purpose! For a common goal.. and for our brothers. I trust you that you will all do the wise decision, and I believe that Steve Burwin will make an excellent representive in this war between us and The Candolini Family. Together we are all stronger!

Unfortunately there is an announcement I have to make. Our good beloved friend, Mavis Dracula, has re-applied for Estleback not too long ago. However, due to no effort put into the application, we were disappointed and have decided to deny him. As for our applicant Ivan Temspky, he too has been denied. He had been doing a great job in the first steps, unfortunately in the last step he showed his full potential.. and unfortunately that was not enough for Estleback. I wished you could be more.. independent and not rely on other individuals. But nevertheless, I want to thank you both for re-applying for our corporation! It might not look like it, but I do truly thank all of you who applies, even those who gets denied. It shows that you are interested in us, that the are some value in Estleback, which is priceless. Thank you again for applying, it means a lot to me, even if it doesn't look like that.

Director of Estleback Corporation
Micheal Stanson, Estleback Corporation Founder
Kind Regards,
The following 5 users Like Floodify's post:
  • ArcHammer, Ivan Tempski, Wood, mgdwszx, Burnett
We will all miss you, but nevertheless, enjoy your well-deserved holiday!

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

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  • Wood
Enjoy Egypt Wood, don't make me too jealous!

Kinds Regards
Community Member
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