Unban request mrpoopoo412
Your name: mrpoopoo412

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)50817

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag)[FL] Vauld

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?)I was banned because i didn't watch my language and didn't calmed down, threating administrator, swearing and CAPSing.

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)There were people runing my stuff that i build (no names known)

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)I understand that i didn't watch my language but that was because there were these "minges". I was building a "CHECKPOINT" in the tunnel and every possible guy/girl which drove trough there... crashed into me or my Checkpoint and ruin it all. THey think this doesn't take long at all, but its hard, so lets continue..I make it they destroy it, i make it they destroy it, The admin is staying there next to me doing nothing about it, im typing the OOC chat.. well i was mad so i was doing a lot of CAPS-Lock and strong language but not insulting admins and so the admin is staying there doing nothing i was so so so mad i did this "@ ADMIN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SHIT OR I WILL" i understand.. i mustn't talk to admins like that but come on- do you have any idea how hard it is to build something and in the next second someone destroys it, i even got rammed by paramedics few times, admin still does nothing.Then they called ME minge... But nothing to anyone who destroyed my stuff. No-thing. I understand that i may of talked wtih a bit of tone to the admin but who woulnd be so mad if this happened to him? I was just about to throw my computer out of the house im not lying.Everyone was making fun of me something like "COD would be a good game for you" because im a kid and i rage a lot okay, but come on now.. this is just insult for me. Please unban me i was not even doing anything just talking with strong language and CAPS. They called me the Minge but didn't do anything-anything about the actual minges who destroy my stuff every 3 seconds. Please un-ban me i have a good reason to be unbaned. Thank you.
I was on the server and saw all of this.

You first came on, you started having a right old go with caps in OOC, then after a few warnings you decided to start swearing at us, calling us minges, people called you a minge back, then Vauld banned you.

If anything, you posted loads of messages in OOC swearing and capsing.
I never! NEVER! called anyone minge!And mate thats not the main point, everyone told me "go play COD" and stuff like that, i said that i OOC sweared don't you see?The thing is that the ADMIN stays near me watching people randomly ramming me and doesn't even moves his finger about it.
(07-13-2014, 06:29 AM)mrpoopoo412 Wrote: I never! NEVER! called anyone minge!And mate thats not the main point, everyone told me "go play COD" and stuff like that, i said that i OOC sweared don't you see?The thing is that the ADMIN stays near me watching people randomly ramming me and doesn't even moves his finger about it.

Ok, maybe the admin was busy, you admitted to swearing, I think the reason people told you to go play cod was because you swore about 20+ times in OOC.
Fix your banreason to the official reason.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
It's not my job to make sure no one runs your checkpoint.. If someone hits one of your cones, arrest them. I'm not about to ban someone for hitting a cone. Even before you setup a checkpoint you were capsing in OOC, and ranting about random things. I gave you at least 3 warnings to calm down. Then I muted you from OOC, so then you went on advertisement and starting capsing there, and then you said "IF AN ADMIN DOESNT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS I WILL" - At which point I banned you.
(07-13-2014, 05:14 PM)Vauld Wrote: It's not my job to make sure no one runs your checkpoint.. If someone hits one of your cones, arrest them. I'm not about to ban someone for hitting a cone. Even before you setup a checkpoint you were capsing in OOC, and ranting about random things. I gave you at least 3 warnings to calm down. Then I muted you from OOC, so then you went on advertisement and starting capsing there, and then you said "IF AN ADMIN DOESNT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS I WILL" - At which point I banned you.
I know its not your job to watch not to crash but bro thats way too annoying EVERY second they Crash it, Every second! I build it they crash it and ram me and you still don't do anything even other players told you "You should do something about it admin".And they were doing this on OOC porpuse, the Medics and other players rammed me RANDOMLY. They won't even let me build the checkpoint, do you think this takes just under one minute? Well hell no.
Well the answer is no, I think you're arguing an invalid point. Denied.

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