Jarz' Out of Proportion Perm Appeal
Your name: butt freckle (alt alias to avoid asslicking (Yeah I get it too.))

Your ban ID: 50506

Banned by: [FL] Fultz(y)

Reason: Advertising pornography on the servers / Nazism

Involved: The entire server

Why we should unban you: I undeniably deserve a ban, I'm not stupid, and I do confess that my job title was Nazi affiliated, however the advertising pornography bit had me in stitches when I read it. Somebody said "Oh that's hot", or something along the lines of that sort of compliment, and I said "Yeah look at my pornhub account", I then proceeded to make up the most blatantly fake username and password I could come up with, after somebody asked for a premium account, and I had people laughing. People were chatting me on steam "lol" (they caught on to my alias eventually), and stuff of the sorts. I minded my own business whilst on the server, and tried having a bit of fun with your community but apparently any form of adult humor whatsoever is not welcomed to it.

I know you guys will bash me for this short synopsis, however there is nothing much to really add. I just want a "permanent ban" off the record, and have something much more acceptable take its place.

I however will add that I find it unbelievable this warrants a permanent ban. Just because I wish to not associate myself as an active member of the community, doesn't mean I want to leave it entirely. I've been on the servers for approximately 3 hours since my departure thread, and in those hours I pulled a perma ban for something that I believe doesn't warrant such a punishment.

I want to go over some other reasons as to why I believe I should be unpermed.
I've helped this community in so many ways, and contributed to it, and have done nothing to harm it. Here are some examples.

• Had one of the top, if not the top signature "shops" in the entire community. I delivered top notch signatures since September of 2013 until May of this year. Within that time period I had done with pride more than 50 signatures, all of which were delivered on time unless I had personal matters to attend to.

• I always delivered helpful information to help threads that I knew the answer to, and if I didn't know the answer, I suggested possible fixes or workarounds. I have notably helped out in computer problems.

• Have maintained a relatively low ban count (even though I don't agree with most of those.) throughout 840+ hours.

• Have been actively on the forums, with 1.5 thousand posts.

• I have maintained a high reputation throughout my 2 year 2 month stay at Fearless. 35 is not a lot, however it is notable and sets you apart from other members.

• My law enforcement exposure has set me apart as a respected figure within the community. Some may not agree with this title. However, I always seem to be mentioned when it comes to law enforcement. I have done multiple roleplays, one of which that made it on the forum, which teaches other roleplayers what it is like in the Police Academy from a graduates perspective. Everybody loved when I did it.

• I have suggested many things to be added to the servers, to spice things up and make the gamemode more fun for everybody. Granted some later on were totally bad ideas.

• My Hour/Roleplay point ratio is of high quality. Considering I have 840 hours, and I got my first point at 300 hours even, I have acquired 17 roleplaying points in 540 hours, and subtracting the past 50 or so hours, that's 17 points in ~490 hours. I'd call myself a great roleplayer with those statistics, and many other members of the community have titled me as such.

• I have made from friends, to minor acquaintances, with nearly everybody I have met with my stay at FL, and if I had not run into FL 2 years ago, I don't know where my life would be right now. I have met some of the coolest fellas on Fearless, and I don't know what I would do without them. Granted some people may not like me, but there is nothing I can do about that, but boast the fact that many more do like me.

Sure all of that can be considered extremely self biased, however I base my information off of comments I have recieved about myself within these two years at FL.

I cannot think of anything else to add really, but in all honesty, was a sudden permanent ban necessary? I can tell Fultzy does not like me, he never seemed to get along with the conversations we have had in the past in TS3, which makes me think this ban was biased (against) me. Nearly every other admin would have talked to me about the situation.
After all, why on hell would I throw away 2 years worth of donations, multiple money packs, my reputation, and hard work out the window just like that? (And don't start throwing the ToS at me because I understand very well the argument you could make with me mentioning donations.) That's a few hundred bucks I've donated to you guys, I wouldn't just ignore that figure.

All in all, was a permanent ban completely necessary?

I would also like Fultzy to not make verdicts on this case because I feel like his actions would be unfair towards me.

Thank you, and thanks for taking consideration.
If you think I have something against you that is wrong. I did not even know who you were until the ban went through whenever I clicked on the SteamID. I was banning at the time "Butt Plugs"

Running around as being inappropriate in the OOC as well as posting a Username and Password (Doesnt matter if its fake) to a pornographic sight in the OOC saying you are giving away the account because you have another. This is completely uncalled for. Our player base spans over a huge age group with most being under the age of eighteen and you are telling everyone in the OOC to check you out and meet up through a pornographic sight.

"I undeniably deserve a ban"
Let be get this straight. You were knowingly breaking the rules and now that it is a permanent ban you find it over the top? If you did all of this for Fearless why would you knowingly break the rules in the first place? I honestly cannot rap my head around that.
Before you accuse me, we barely know each other.

(07-04-2014, 04:06 AM)Jarz Wrote: • Have maintained a relatively low ban count (even though I don't agree with most of those.) throughout 840+ hours.
• I have maintained a high reputation throughout my 2 year 2 month stay at Fearless. 35 is not a lot, however it is notable and sets you apart from other members.
• My Hour/Roleplay point ratio is of high quality. Considering I have 840 hours, and I got my first point at 300 hours even, I have acquired 17 roleplaying points in 540 hours, and subtracting the past 50 or so hours, that's 17 points in ~490 hours. I'd call myself a great roleplayer with those statistics, and many other members of the community have titled me as such.
(07-04-2014, 04:06 AM)Jarz Wrote: I do confess that my job title was Nazi affiliated

My statement (objectively speaking):

You should know the rules better with 840+ and 17 points. Nazism is strictly prohibited and so is pornography.
Many of FL players are below the age of 18.

The ban is partially fair because you broke two strict rules.
(07-04-2014, 11:51 AM)Burnett Wrote: ---------------------------
Before you accuse me, we barely know each other.

(07-04-2014, 04:06 AM)Jarz Wrote: • Have maintained a relatively low ban count (even though I don't agree with most of those.) throughout 840+ hours.
• I have maintained a high reputation throughout my 2 year 2 month stay at Fearless. 35 is not a lot, however it is notable and sets you apart from other members.
• My Hour/Roleplay point ratio is of high quality. Considering I have 840 hours, and I got my first point at 300 hours even, I have acquired 17 roleplaying points in 540 hours, and subtracting the past 50 or so hours, that's 17 points in ~490 hours. I'd call myself a great roleplayer with those statistics, and many other members of the community have titled me as such.
(07-04-2014, 04:06 AM)Jarz Wrote: I do confess that my job title was Nazi affiliated

My statement (objectively speaking):

You should know the rules better with 840+ and 17 points. Nazism is strictly prohibited and so is pornography.
Many of FL players are below the age of 18.

The ban is partially fair because you broke two strict rules.

My experience in regards to hours and role playing points do indeed correlate, however don't assume please that because of that I'm not allowed to get in any form of trouble.

Let's look at the definition of "pornography"
printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings.

I never had printed or displayed visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, and I definitely didn't turn anybody on by it. I said a joke. That's it.

It's partially fair? Why.
You may show the definition of pornography, but the word advertising is why the ban is there.

Since we are doing definitions :

gerund or present participle: advertising
describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance

So to "Advertise Pornography" you were drawing the attention of the public (Fearless OOC) to go to their site that contains material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity.

Is that not what you did?
(07-04-2014, 02:50 PM)Jarz Wrote: It's partially fair? Why.
(07-04-2014, 11:51 AM)Burnett Wrote: The ban is partially fair because you broke two strict rules.

(07-04-2014, 04:06 AM)Jarz Wrote: I do confess that my job title was Nazi affiliated
You were knowingly breaking the rules.
There is a huge difference between breaking the rules knowingly and unknowingly.
(07-04-2014, 03:05 PM)Fultz Wrote: You may show the definition of pornography, but the word advertising is why the ban is there.

Since we are doing definitions :

gerund or present participle: advertising
describe or draw attention to (a product, service, or event) in a public medium in order to promote sales or attendance

So to "Advertise Pornography" you were drawing the attention of the public (Fearless OOC) to go to their site that contains material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity.

Is that not what you did?

I made a blatantly fake username and password when somebody asked for one, you're correct. Are you going to ban the guy who advertised before I made that up?

You two are contradicting information here, and it is confusing me. Burnett is stating that pornography is banned, however you are stating that the advertisement is not allowed. In response to Burnetts argument pornography is not allowed, I posted the definition of it to disprove his argument against me. Please get on the same page so time like that doesn't need to be wasted again. And Burnett, elaborate on how my ban is partially fair? Elaborate on why it wasn't fair, since it was partially fair.
You were the first one to bring it up in the OOC and were the one who took it the furthest by posting two different "accounts" on there.

It does not matter if they are fake or not. You posted them telling them to go on them for free premium. That is advertising the site. You are drawing the attention of the players to go on the site and try the account for potential free premium to a player base who is largely under the age of 18.
(07-04-2014, 07:05 PM)Fultz Wrote: You were the first one to bring it up in the OOC and were the one who took it the furthest by posting two different "accounts" on there.

It does not matter if they are fake or not. You posted them telling them to go on them for free premium. That is advertising the site. You are drawing the attention of the players to go on the site and try the account for potential free premium to a player base who is largely under the age of 18.

I know I saw somebody mention the need of a premium account or something like that, or else I never would have mentioned the entire thing. It wouldn't make sense to me to just reply like that. Tldr somebody prompted it, like I've been saying this entire time. Look in the logs. It'll say "visit my PH account m8",then he'll ask for a premium or something, then I joke further with a account name and password. They laughed and I mentioned another.

I know I mentioned pornhub first, but saying pornhub is like saying YouTube, they're both video streamers, and everybody mentions YouTube on FL. Do you know the deep side of YouTube has miscellaneous porn videos as well? I then, let me establish again, under prompt, typed up a blatantly fake username and password as a joke.

And for your response earlier about most of the player base being kids under 18, you're the guys who host a game mode with multiple choices of drugs with their own effects, and weaponry to kill others. People constantly are cussing in the OOC, saying things you would indeed find on pornhub, and generally are defiant of all rules. That's your player base, mostly under the age of 18.

I await Burnett's response tremendously.
(07-04-2014, 04:49 PM)Jarz Wrote: elaborate on how my ban is partially fair? Elaborate on why it wasn't fair, since it was partially fair.

In my opinion it is partially fair because everyone deserves a second chance.
Many people have been given a second chance (e.g. Equalizer).

However, it's your own damn fault. You should know that nazism/advertising porn is strictly against the rules.
Now you are in a fine mess.

But I'm not in a position to comment on admin stuff/decisions.

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