un ban request on tbn burgers
Your name: ([IRON]mcputin)

Your ban ID: (27950)

Banned by: (ACP [FL] Narcotic)

Reason: (BR Approved: Mass propspam, being on the top of the Nexus while spamming melons.)

Involved: (there where alot off people standing there.)

Why we should unban you: (i have been banned over 1 year now and now i see that there is no fun in spaming melons of the top of nexus and i think it was good that you banned me 1 year ago and i will try my best to do the best roleplay there is to find i have alot of ban records on me and all the bans are fair i deserved them i wish to be unbanned i hope you understand)
I see no reason to unban you.

You have been banned 13 times with this reason as your final. What this shows me is that you have no respect for our rules either not reading them or intentionally breaking the rules. You have had 12 chances and you decided to prop spam.


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