Your name: Paddonツ™

Your ban ID: 49516 and 49517

Banned by: [FL] KPred

Reason: fearrp


Why we should unban you: it would seem that it was a gun pointed at my car but i thought it was a tazor they do look very similer and he had just tazed a guy this is my 1st mistake and i only went on my secondary account to try talk to the admin, i did not have a warning or get a chance to talk to admin before the ban it was just instant i feel that although i have only been playing server for about days i have got 28 hours and have donated twices that shows i do like this server, i have never given anyone any trouble and would like the chance to continue playing.

i hope you un-ban me and let me carry on playing on this server thanks for taking your time to reply
You got banned for driving away from my gunpoint when I told you to get out of your car. Also you got perma banned because that'll go automaticly if you log in with a second account while being banned.

Also donating doesn't make you immune to punishments.
and i understand that but this was my 1st offence the banner didnt even talk to me and i thought it was a tazor as he only just tazzed the guy on the floor i just wish a admin tried talking to be 1st and i would of explained all day people maon about breaking fear and i do once by accident and i get banend i think thats abit extreme i am new to the server and trying to learn all the rules so if staff explain when someone does something wrong and dont insta ban people will learn
Please fill the template correctly, you have 24h.
so i will be unbanned in 24 hours?
(06-06-2014, 03:18 PM)paddon10 Wrote: so i will be unbanned in 24 hours?

No, this unban request will be denied in 24 hours.
Read this thread:
shall i start a new thread or re-post here? and please explain where i went wrong i followed the format i copied and pasted it in and added my own details
Just edit this thread.
ok i have edit'd the thread i hope that is better if not please tell me where i am going wrong,
oh and something i proberly should of added from start im sorry jen for breaking fearrp i honestly thought u still had tazor.
Donating doesn't mean anything.

Also, it doesn't matter whether it was a gun or a tazer, they both apply for FearRP.

Answer me this, why did you try to log onto our servers with a second account?
[Image: image.png]

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