Unban Request Tafikay and multiple other people.
Your name:

The person making this unban request is


Other people that have been banned but are innocent:

=BR= littlerocky
[FL:RP] Franky
[FL:RP] Caree
[FL:RP] Megamezzomixer

Your ban ID:

The person making this unban request is

Tafikay : STEAM_0:0:42851069

Other people that have been banned but are innocent:

[FL:RP]RGamingNL : STEAM_0:1:55099154
ZenTD : STEAM_0:0:32707365
iDemolishX : STEAM_0:1:50082453
=BR= littlerocky : STEAM_0:1:83771394
[FL:RP]IILetsSlayII : STEAM_0:0:80427274
[FL:RP] Franky : STEAM_0:0:76449847
enddog21 : STEAM_0:0:47075913
arthy01 : STEAM_0:0:79170239
LostGamerHD : STEAM_0:0:47821049
[FL:RP] Caree : STEAM_0:1:86553232
[FL:RP] Megamezzomixer : STEAM_0:1:50472351
sNNo : STEAM_0:1:66115638
KeksMonster : STEAM_0:1:59517012

Banned by:

[FL] Temar


All of us have been permanently banned because YOKO (STEAM_0:1:85816878) was giving away free donator status. Now the thing is, no one of us knew that he wasn't doing this in a non-legitimate way. We have been banned because another person was giving us donator rank. Just remove our donator rank? But a perma ban for something that we DID NOT do is pretty sad...

Why we should unban you:

It's not our fault and i think that a permanent ban is pretty sad, we should not be banned at all.

Sorry for my lack of english skills, it's not my mother tongue.


Is it me that is impatiend or just no admin reacting ?
Be patient, and don't bump your UBR.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Okey, sorry. I really didn't do it with the reason to bump it tbh. But won't happen again Wink
Please stay patient as we try to solve this particular problem.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
What exactly did you do with all the money/stuff he gave you?
Okey, i'll be real honest with you guys. First of all, the day before YOKO got banned i traded my hummer + 230K money for a murcielago. I think YOKO did nothing wrong and nor did i knew that he was a hacker / exploiter and i also added him on Steam that day because the server crashed and i really wanted that murcielago. Then, the day YOKO started giving away free stuff, before that all happend i asked him (for the lols) Hey man wanna trade my Murcielago for your BMW ? XD and out of all my wonder he said yes (i even think that i got recordings of me trading my murcielago for his BMW). So YES he gave me a BMW (1 000 000$) for a murcielago (4 00 000$). Then a while after he randomly gave me Donator status because i had been talking with him for a while on Steam i bought a suit from the 100k you get when you become donator.. And then a while after that i went AFK while logged on in the server, i came back after 5 minutes and i had 1 000 000$ in my pocket, i instantly gave it to my friend Jos (Not sure of the steamID, STEAM_0:0:51778012) and he also bought a BMW of that money. Thats basically all that happend, not that i'm sure that YOKO gave me that one million but i guess that he just gave it to me. Note, i was never involved in YOKO's actions and nor did i know that he was Hacking / Exploiting so i wish not to be punished for things i haven't done.

I think that thats all Smile


So i totaly understand if you take away my Donator and BMW, but i think it is fair if i would get back my Murcielago ? (If i get unbanned ofcourse)


Sorry for my lack of English skills, since this is not my mother tongue.
you will most likely get unbanned soon, just sorting it all out
Okey, thanks you Temar Wink as long as i get unbanned i'm happy. I really enjoy playing on Fearless RP <3
Hey, i'm really sorry for being impatiend here but why are people with the EXACT same problem as me already unbanned and i'm not?


My name is involved in their unban request yet i'm still perma banned ??????

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