Got unfair ban
Your name: Aryba_, [FL:RP] Evozz

Your ban ID: 48989, 48988

Banned by: [FL] KPred

Reason: Raiding own team [Corleone]

Involved: Me and [FL:RP] Evozz

Why we should unban you:Got banned for Team killing ! We were away from our houses our friend left the server and on his place one guy joined the corleones. When we went back we saw someone else is already owning the door and then we heard someone using Cracker in there I told him to open but he didn't so one of us lockpicked the door and we saw it's the new corleone but our friends fading doors were still there. We all point guns at him and stared to asked him why is he in there and Don told him to sell the door and to buy another house but then he stared to type team raid and he will ban us all. The contra was not his so I destroyed it and we where just going out and he again ,,will ban you all'' then I shot him !

[FL:RP] Evozz he was there and was watching and he got banned to because he is Corleone ???
Aryba you killed me and smashed my contra along with evozz even though he didn't do as much as you. You team raided me. And also I gave you 3 warnings to leave and you didnt
the contra can't be yours because it was behind the fadding door and you was trying to open it with Cracker it was to our friend who left. when I aim at the fading door why I didn't saw your name there ? I SEE YOU LYING !
What is the problem here Aryba? You clearly as evidence showed raided a member of your own team - being Corleone, and killed him.
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
(05-22-2014, 07:36 PM)Aryba_ Wrote: the contra can't be yours because it was behind the fadding door and you was trying to open it with Cracker it was to our friend who left. when I aim at the fading door why I didn't saw your name there ? I SEE YOU LYING !

Who owned all the doors necessary? Me so all things inside are then mine.
(05-22-2014, 08:10 PM)Linkedmagic Wrote:
(05-22-2014, 07:36 PM)Aryba_ Wrote: the contra can't be yours because it was behind the fadding door and you was trying to open it with Cracker it was to our friend who left. when I aim at the fading door why I didn't saw your name there ? I SEE YOU LYING !

Who owned all the doors necessary? Me so all things inside are then mine.

I came in with all the other corleones with a gun. Then I noticed it was you ( A corleone) so I stood behind them listening to what you was all saying. Once I saw Aryba destroy some contra I thought it would of been fine to destroy one. Then I left before the rest of them. I thought I did nothing wrong but I guess something is wrong there.
KPred can't you understand .No reason to buy the front door if he see there are fadding doors in .That meens it's not his place. In my opinion he saw the door and what it have in there (fadding doors-probably contra) so he tried to steal it. this is only OPINION .KPred one guy told me your smart so think over this please !
(05-23-2014, 06:19 AM)Aryba_ Wrote: KPred can't you understand .No reason to buy the front door if he see there are fadding doors in .That meens it's not his place. In my opinion he saw the door and what it have in there (fadding doors-probably contra) so he tried to steal it. this is only OPINION .KPred one guy told me your smart so think over this please !

The guy dced so I brought his house.the props would have gone and I wanted to base in that house then you lockpickeed in and had guns at me. I said leave 3 times and you didn't if I own the doors Tue content in the house is then mine. The guy disconnected and his props went so you smashed contra and you shot me.
1. We asked you to open the door. you didn't, thats why we lockedpicked it !
2. we were wearing weapons because we didn't know ho is in there.
3. Don told you just to buy other house . you didn't listen to him !
4.You wasn't demoted because you scared the other Corleones with the ban !!!!

when you have problems you can't threaten with ban everytime ...
As Linked already stated, he bought the house after someone else disconnected. In conclusion, you team raided him and then proceeded to teamkill.

[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck

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