unban request.
Your name: [FL:RP] Bluejack2727

Your ban ID: 48925

Banned by: [FL] Floodify

Reason: Apparently "KOS Line" and "Promoting" RDM

Involved: a

[b]Why we should unban you: Well firstly, players were warned there would be a warning shot if they crossed the line, and if they crossed a second load of notes further on they would be killed, because i had permission to shoot to kill them if they tried to get in the elevator. And this line thing i had was a dupe, its had been used like this plenty of times before, for the exact same thing i used. People do this lots and i dont seem why they dont get banned i and get banned for exactly the same thing. I donated a few days ago and now i feel like i shouldnt of had.
Fill out the template properly.
Kind Regards,
Rightyo, you had a note saying if you crossed the line you were to be shot. Shooting someone for that reason is not valid unless they have a gun and is shooting at you. If you shoot someone who unarmed.. then that'd be an invalid reason thus being an RDM. You are promoting RDM by having such note, due to it being an invalid reason to kill someone.
Kind Regards,
Aww this guy! He was also lying about other players on the server, making things up such as a cop rdming him when the cop was beside me when he claimed he killed him?? He was clearly there just to ruin everyone's fun on the server and experience..He then reported me for failrping when I was in my car, leaving nexus to store it and he follows me screaming in his mic "SRU aren't suppose to patrol" "go back to nexus" and he then randomly shot at a un armed civi as a cop and wanting to give him a sleeping drug as a cop, I demoted him for random shooting and tasing as he was doing that as well, he comes back as SRU and does the same, follows the guy asking if he can inject him with the sleeping drug and then went out patrolling as SRU after telling me off.....
Yes, but obviously i cannot tell if people are armed, they might try to bypass my security and have there weapons hidden, e.g. the area where you scroll through to get stuff, and it says in the rules. Or if you managed to get in the elevator, you can get weapons out then, the main reason for this prop was to protect the president, i see people kill people just because they get in the elevator plenty of times, and they dont get banned.

EuanJ97 I didnt do any of that, you clearly like people gettig banned.

EuanJ97 you were at the Old Motel.

EuanJ97 you are telling utter lies, just to try and get people banned for longer.

"Fabricating or tampering with evidence with intent to mislead, and providing false statements is under zero tolerance - committing such violations will lead to a perm ban."

Admins if you want you can check the logs, and it will say i didnt random shoot and taze.

For a start, Admins can check logs, and second i can BR Zetrey for Random shooting me in my car, Which is RDM. And it also seems he doesnt know where to park a car, he parked a car in the middle of a junction.
Your still banned pal, why are you arguing with me, and they can't check logs for you shooting him 1 time...anyway I'm gonna go now! Play some fearless!!! Cheese
You are a big windup. SadAngry
(05-19-2014, 03:25 PM)Bluejack2727 Wrote: You are a big windup. SadAngry

Saying my side of what I seen pal.
The only time my friends play on this server is when im on, so you are not ruining 1 persons fun by banning my you are ruining 3 peoples

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