Ban request
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Not using the template
ehm tis guy named JMR just hostaged me and endangered to ban request me and he tried to kill me, ehm i explained it al to him but he was still being anoying and when i said i was going to get a admin he tried to kill me, soo im asking for a ban request for JMR even though i dont have enough efidence i hope u can help me :$

(1) I never tried to kill you, you trespassed me so I decided to take you hostage for questioning, then I released you.
(2) You broke Fear RP Three times
(3) You ran away from a hostage situation, still roped.
(4) You didn't use the template provided.

I recommend you re-read the rules. Thank you.

I'm pretty sure falsely accusing someone is worthy of a ban.
Denied and warned.

No template or evidence

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