Forever Ban!
Name: Боноалекс
Name: Pringled

[Pringled] SteamID: STEAM_0:0:16274831
[Боноалекс] SteamID: STEAM_0:1:31969711

GMT: 20:50 (In germany)

Summary: Propkilling and Propushing.

Evidence :
Clearly you are just pissed because of my ban request on you, which does have evidence unlike yours. Besides that, what does the second video even have to do with this ban request? We had a reason to arrest you, we told you to pay a fine for jaywalking and you refused.
You have me always getazet though I'm not weggeschlaufen.
Боноалекс approved. No evidence of Pringled breaking a rule, 24 hours to upload additional evidence.
I can't complain about the ban, but I would like you to know that I pushed his car into the lake because he pushed my car into the lake before as well. I am not saying that it's ok what I did, but I think it's pathetic to post a ban request after you did exactly the same.

You did a great job provoking me.

you klick of Vergrößern.

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