Unjustified ban.
Your name: (Steam friends name) Freeman319

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 48131

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag) [FL] Flame

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?) 'FailRPing, Sleeping on the sidewalk after i warned him not to'

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.) -

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened) I got banned as I went afk to check what's going on with the donation my friend did in my place, since there was no sign of receiving it. I don't really mind waiting the time, but I really hate the fact my clean ban record is tainted.

Reasons ban should be removed (or possibly shortened):

1. I wasn't on, instead I was AFK while it happened, so I had no idea about it until seeing the ban today while trying to join. (And yes, I was citizen, so I didn't break a rule on that part)

2. It wasn't 'FailRPing'.
- Unemployed citizen, that would very likely be depressed and drunk after drinking would just make sense to sleep on the street instead of a home he doesn't own. (Keep in mind I was still unable to response to OOC)

- My character could have had a disease, making him unable to move or call help (Keep in mind I was still unable to response to OOC).

3. I'm sure you can tell such thing doesn't cause any harm to players, other than happiness to the banner.

4. Even if you still deny it, the ban time is still ridiculously long.
FailRPing is one of the most minor rule breaks in most cases, and still have to give around 2 days for FailRPing, as I've seen plenty of times admins giving job ban, weapon ban or such for it's kind of ban for FailRP. Even RDM, CDM or prop kill gets about as long ban or shorter in most cases. Even when the person avoid the admin.
I warned Both you and Nathan not to just fallover sleeping on the street, Nathan did it infront of the Bank and you did it on a Trashcan.

After i warned you 2 over OOC i find you just randomly sleeping in a bush.
You could of just: Left for the time being, stand in a random spot, buy a door and sit inside your property.
People have been punching Ragdolled people which causes more FailRPing.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
Well both times I never noticed the message as my hands were already full with dealing with the trouble this servers' donation system. I had to keep myself in the server to keep on check if the donation status would come, but didn't really. I would have moved to a proper spot and stop sleeping if I did see the message.

And still you gave no response to rest of the reasons, like ban time or the fact if it was FailRPing or not. Sleeping in a bush or trashcan is just realistic considering RPing unemployed. If you can't say it was really FailRPing, there's no point with this ban. And still you said that only harm I caused was giving a CHANCE for somebody else to violate rules. It doesn't matter if I'm sleeping or standing, players can still punch randomly. If you say it's proper reason to ban for giving somebody else chance to break rules, I could just say I violated rules accidently thanks to the servers' donation system. Makes sense right? No.
First off stop making stuff up about "My character COULD of been homeless or had a disease" you were clearly JUST sleeping in the Bin for no reason at all and keep in mind that no ordinary person would simply decide to take a nap in a trashbin.

Also the ban length is up to the Staff member that did the Ban therefor up to me and i felt that after i clearly warned you 2 whether you were AFK or not it was justified.
[Image: cuAfUK9.gif]
I was unemployed, so it can't be counted as 'ordinary person'. You're missing the whole point. What I'm saying is that you had no reason to warn or ban to begin with. What I'm stating is that I did nothing wrong sleeping in a trashbin or a bush as unemployed that doesn't have everything going well. The ban itself is still pointless. If the ban is given for RP reason, shouldn't you keep it that way? You're saying that I can't defend myself with RP reasons as you banned me for RP reasons? I'm still waiting for an answer, why would it be FailRP to sleep in a trashbin, if there could be plenty of reasons to be there? Drunk and thrown there while passed out? I thought this is an RP server. Just like it's ok to raid as corleone with RP reason. For once more, I had proper job for RPing the situation, there's no rule against RPing homeless/drunk unlike HitmanRP. I don't mean to be mean, but I'm really staring to question administrators capability to RP and understand it themselves.
Posting in thread without any involvement - Warned
People don't sleep in trash cans in real life, especially the type we have on the server.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved, warned. -Termin
You are saying you were RPing unemployed and sleeping in bins, yet you were AFK dealing with the donation. That just contradicts your statement about RPing, don't you think? Nevertheless, you don't, just because you are unemployed or sick or whatever, sleep in a trash bin. I have not ever seen people sleeping in actual trash bins for being drunk/sick... not even unemployed. Hell, even an homeless man wouldn't sleep in a trash bin! And yet again, as DoomDude1 said, the trash bins we have on the servers are way to small for sleeping / being drunk in.

He did gave you warnings through OOC, and it is your responsibility to be following those, even if you are AFK. If you are AFK, then you will have to face whatever consequences it might give you since you are still in the game and is expected to follow the rules and warnings. If you are AFK and want to avoid such situation, disconnect from the server.
Kind Regards,
Finally some actual answers instead of offhandedly made ones. Putting it that way, I guess I can't deny FailRPing, so I suppose this request can be completely denied. Even though it still piss me off how unfairly ban times are given most of the time (if increased for personal reasons). Thanks for the response.

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