BR on Gilgamesh and Боноалекс
Name of player: Gilgamesh and Боноалекс

Gilgamesh = STEAM_0:0:85076590
Боноалекс = STEAM_0:1:31969711

Time in GMT: around 21:30 BST

Server: v33x

Summary:Floating Prop/Prop Minge, Prop Kill/Teamkill and Instant Dictator
These 2 users came as Police Sargeant (Gilgamesh) and the other Police officer to my office while i was the President. They came to my office for no reason. And gilgamesh started building without my permission outside the Window of my office Using a large square and 2 chairs. So that he could mess around when i told him to remove it, they stayed in my office. A Lag spike began and this is why both are involved, One of them spawned a table (Suspect Gilgamesh did) and then forced it at me, killing me with it. Then Gilgamesh became the next president once i had been randomly killed. He straight away set his job name to Dictator and broadcasted that there were no laws. Shown by my NLR timer as this is when I was prop killed

Evidence: Video now uploaded Here:
Photos here:
+Bump, Gilgamesh was being a minge and prop killing before all this. I can vouch for what OP was saying he did instant dictator and was told in OOC that he has to wait some time but kept on minging,
Reviewing my evidence, I did not capture being prop killed, one as I didn't expect it and two as the lag did not let me see who spawned the table. Hopefully a log could show this, as I had no reason to be killed especially by the police.

Though I do have evidence of him misusing props in my office and once he became dictator. Which should be up in 8-9 hours (between 4-5pm BST)
Hello Evilmat,

I would like to note that I did not do anything against the rules. I didn't build the floating thing and I didn't even stand on it. I didn't (team)kill you, definately not with a prop.

You know that I did nothing, except from following the police sergeant's orders, which I'm supposed to do, to come with him to the president. When the video has been uploaded you will see that I didn't do anything. And if the admins check the logs, they can confirm it.

I hereby ask you to remove my name from the ban request.

Kind regards,
Thanks Bonoalex , I only included you because of not being sure who killed me. I know that you didn't go out of the window as you were next to me when I recorded, I will keep your name on it as I cannot fully take your word as being the truth and will leave it to the admins to drop anything against you after reviewing it.
Video now uploaded Here:
Photos here:
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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