Ban Request: Yet another one on Malaal
Name of player: Malaal


Time in GMT: 7:00 to 8:00 EST(I suck at converting time Tounge) Im not sure of the eariler incident.

Server:V2P and V2D

Summary:Oh boy. Here is what I like to call a problem player. Skeptical I think the video speaks for itself. There was a fire inside of his building, either from a car or from a Molotov. He then spawned a bunch of barrels and proceeded to burn two police officers by shoving them into their faces.

I also have another video that was taken about a week earlier of Malaal getting into his vehicle and running over me while I was on the ground in need of healing. Malaal had plenty of room to avoid me. Thankfully his tires completely missed me. Only reason I didn't post it earlier is because I was uncertain it was enough for a ban but I think it is worth showing now.

First one Verzyn sorted with the barrels, there were barrels in our warehouse which were on fire so I used them to ward off the police who were RANDOMLY raiding. Verzyn was there due to the people who were random raiding and they got banned/blacklisted. Secondly, for the car, I assumed you were dead. I asked in skype to my passenger if you were dead after stopping the car before continuing to drive, and they said yes so I proceeded to drive. You also felt in necessary to verbally abuse me later on v2p in LOOC about something I didn't even do, so well done for that also.
I'm not going to speculate on why the police were there. I was only recording because you were waving barrels around and setting people on fire. As for the Skype conversation and the supposed verbal abuse, they only exist at moot points considering there is no proof. Don't automatically assume that because a person is on the ground that it is okay to run them over.
That's why I previously asked them if you were dead, they then said you were dead so instead of backing up and most likely hitting something due to the terrible lag spikes I get in-city whilst driving, I drove straight on as like I said, I was informed you were dead.
Upon watching the video again, there is no way your friend or you could have known I was actually dead.

A) Neither of you stopped to check.
B) You were already on top of my body by the time your friend finally got in the vehicle
C) Your friends attention was focused solely on getting into the vehicle.

I shall not continue to speculate and shall leave this for the staff to decide.
Malaal, why did you de-spawn your car then spawned it again?
Kind Regards,
(04-28-2014, 11:36 AM)Floodify Wrote: Malaal, why did you de-spawn your car then spawned it again?

I was wondering this myself. If I had to have a guess it would be to avoid having to repair it.
I don't know that was over a month ago, might of been to put down another car and then didn't.
Since another admin already dealt with the barrel case, the rest of the BR has been reviewed.

Accused player has been suspended off vehicles.
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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