[Unofficial]BTech Industries

About us:

BTech Industies is an engineering company, that work in many fields of engineering be it a Military Base or a Door you can bet we can build it. We only hire the best designers, builders and security guards.

BTech Industies was founded in June 1976 by a man name John Hartlebury. He came from a rich family and wanted to set up his own company so he did and so BTech was born. John work on this company for many years and then his only son was born Alistair who he hoped would take over the company when he was gone. Over the years the company grew into many parts of engineering be it gas engineering or bio engineering this company had people work in that field.

In 2005 the company was close to being shut down after it was found that they were building designs from a bio-research lab. But due to the importance of this company over the world it stayed open but thier bio-engineering sector was close due to this. It was not until 2014 when John Hartlebury was in a car crash and was close to death he saw that he had been spending more time with the company then his family he then decided to step down giving the company to his son Alistair who was working as the head engineer of a Private Military Company. Alistair took up the position at head and took control of the company.

We are not wanting lots of security so we came up with a 3 : 1 ratio which means that there needs to 3 non-security personal for 1 security personal. This is because we don't want many security as we are an engineering company and want more engineers.

Business Partners:

All Partners of BTech Industies will get a discount on their orders.

Spoiler :
Blackwatch and Gentek - We are Partners to help with Genteks development in Bio-Engineering and designing and engineering their ideas for Blackwatch Soldiers, bases, and weaponry.

To Become a business partner with BTech you must contact any Office Staff and they will sort out a meeting be it face to face or over a video chat.


Want some built but don't have the skills or the time? Then Hired us to build it for you! We build, upgrade and maintain Any and all of our Projects givien to us. To get us to do one fill out the form below and send it in.

What it is:
How much you will pay:
How long to have it done:
Describe what you want it to have:
Where you want it built:

Past Work:

Where you can find us:

We will be mostly be in V33. You will be able to find us at the industrial area in one of the buildings there or at Downtown Motors. Don't be scared to ask us for an interview if you want a job with us we are always looking for great skills. Sometimes because of the kind of partnership we have with Blackwatch we could be set up inside their base so if we are just ask the gate guard that you are looking for us and we will get you and interview.

What we do:

We do all forms of engineering but what ever it is, as long as we are paid, we do it to a high standard.

Spoiler :
Chemical engineering – The application of physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering principles in order to carry out chemical processes on a commercial scale, such as petroleum refining, microfabrication, fermentation, and biomolecule production.

Civil engineering – The design and construction of public and private works, such as infrastructure (airports, roads, railways, water supply and treatment etc.), bridges, dams, and buildings.

Electrical engineering – The design and study of various electrical and electronic systems, such as electrical circuits, generators, motors, electromagnetic/electromechanical devices, electronic devices, electronic circuits, optical fibers, optoelectronic devices, computer systems, telecommunications, instrumentation, controls, and electronics.

Mechanical engineering – The design of physical or mechanical systems, such as power and energy systems, aerospace/aircraft products, weapon systems, transportation products, engines, compressors, powertrains, kinematic chains, vacuum technology, and vibration isolation equipment

Weapon Factory - We set up a weapon factory making cheap ammo to then sell on to the public we will also deliver it to where-ever you want it. Usually there will be 4 people 1 makes the ammo, another put the ammo into boxes which then go onto a truck, the next one then drives the ammo to the buyer and gets the payment, the last one is the security guard who protects the factory and allows the truck in and out.

Bio-Engineering - We may help out Gentek with their projects by designing and building their ideas using their research and our engineering skills to build what ever they need. It could be a full body armour suit or a biology laboratory for their work. As long as they give us an idea of what they want we will design and build it as fast and as good as we can.

Member List:

Spoiler :

Name: Alistair 'Rage' Hartlebury
Job Position: CEO/Owner
Steam Name: [FL:RP] AllyRage
Warning Points: 0

Name: Cole Lewis
Job Position: Co-Owner
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Black Lewis
Warning Points: 0


Name: Kevin 'Ramsey' Arnautovic
Job Position: Engineer
Steam Name: [FL:RP] AARamsey
Warning Points: 0

Name: Matthew 'Thing' Thingy
Job Position: Trainee Engineer
Steam Name: [FL:RP]evilmat360
Warning Points: 0

Name: Philip Sandstone
Job Position: Trainee Engineer
Steam Name: [FL:RP] TheSkull
Warning Points: 0


Name: Tom Taylor
Job Position: Security Officer
Steam Name: [FL:RP] Pinapplekiller2000
Warning Points: 0

If a member of BTech staff breaks a server rule(s) and is banned they must inform an office staff member within 24 hours or face being demoted. We will then decide from the type of ban and your other bans your punishment. If you get three Warning Points you are fired (Trainees get two). Your points are reset after 2 months.


[Image: Caucasian-Boss-icon.png]
Office - This is where all BTech owners and heads work. It is where all the major decisions for the company are made.

CEO/Owner - The CEO of BTech has full control over the company. They are the highest rank of BTech and only one person can hold this position.
Co-Owner - The Co-Owner of BTech has full control over the company. They are the second highest rank of BTech and only one person can hold this position. Only the CEO can over rule their decisions.
Head of Engineering (HoE) - The HoE of BTech has control over the engineering side of the company. They are the third highest rank of BTech and only one person can hold this position.Only the CEO and Co-owner can over rule their decisions.
Head of Security (HoS) - The HoS of BTech has control over the security side of the company. They are the third highest rank of BTech and only one person can hold this position. Only the CEO and Co-owner can over rule their decisions.

[Image: Security-Guard-icon.png]
Security - This is where all BTech security guards work. They protect all BTech personal and property from any threats.

Security Captain (Cpt) - The highest rank in the Security sector. They take orders from the HoS and have full control over the Security sector. Only one person can hold this position.
Security Lieutenant (Lt) - The second highest rank in the Security sector. They take orders from the HoS and Cpt, they can command up to four Sgts. Only two people can hold this position.
Security Sergeant (Sgt) - The third highest rank in the Security sector. They take orders from their Lt and command a team of four men. Only eight people can hold this position.
Security Officer - The standard rank in the Security sector. They take orders from their Sgt and command a team of two trainees.
Security Trainee - The lowest rank in the Security sector. They take orders from their Sgt and Officers. This is the starting point of any new recruit in the Security Sector.

[Image: Engineer-icon.png]
Engineering - This is where all BTech Engineers work. They build anything our client wants. They also repair damaged BTech, partners and clients property.

Lead Engineer (LE) - The highest rank in the Engineering sector. They take orders from the HoE and have full control over the Engineering sector. Only one person can hold this position.
Senior Engineer (SE) - The second highest rank in the Engineering sector. They take orders from the HoE and LE, They are in charge of up to four JEs. Only two people can hold this position.
Junior Engineer (JE)- The third highest rank in the Engineering sector. They take orders from their SE and are in charge of a team of eight Engineers. Only eight people can hold this position.
Engineer - The standard rank in the Engineering sector. They take orders from their JE and are in charge of a team of two trainees.
Trainee Engineer - The lowest rank in the Engineering sector. They take orders from the JEs and Engineers. This is the starting point of any new recruit in the Engineering Sector.

You may join with any amount of hours but you must have at least 50 hours to be promoted from trainee.

Requirements To Join:
- You must be at least 13 years old.
- Not have a ban in the last month.
- A clear understanding of roleplay.
- On good terms with BTech and/or its Partners

Security App:

Steam Name:
VAC Banned:
How many Bans:
Real Age:
Character Backstory:
RP Points:
Any Roleplays you have be apart of:
Previous clans:
References for clans:
Please define roleplay in your own words:


How long have you been in EvoCity:
How did you hear about us:
Reason for wanting to join:
How can you help BTech:
Why do you want to join:
Firearm Experience (If yes what):

Engineering App:

Steam Name:
VAC Banned:
How many Bans:
Real Age:
Character Backstory:
RP Points:
Any Roleplays you have be apart of:
Previous clans:
References for clans:
Please define passive roleplay in your own words:


How long have you been in EvoCity:
How did you hear about us:
Reason for wanting to join:
How can you help BTech:
Why do you want to join:
Engineering Skills (Type of Engineer you are):
[Image: Ally_Rage_sig.png]

Thanks to Roach for the Signature
I only saw BT for a sec there

You have no idea how much I hate BT haha

Good luck though!
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
Good Luck with the clan!
Kind Regards,
Try to play around with fonts and colors to improve this a lil', good luck!
Thanks guys I will take your tip Jan
[Image: Ally_Rage_sig.png]

Thanks to Roach for the Signature
Very nice Ally, good luck with the clan. Gentek will just love you.
I am happy to say we have two new members:

Kevin 'Ramsey' Arnautovic our new Trainee Engineer

Tom Taylor our new Security Trainee
[Image: Ally_Rage_sig.png]

Thanks to Roach for the Signature
We have two new members:

Matthew "Thing" Thingy our new Trainee Engineer

Philip Sandstone our new Trainee Engineer
[Image: Ally_Rage_sig.png]

Thanks to Roach for the Signature
Kevin 'Ramsey' Arnautovic has been promoted to Engineer for his great Engineering Skills

Tom Tayor has been promoted to Security Officer for his protection of BTech employees

Well done both of you.
[Image: Ally_Rage_sig.png]

Thanks to Roach for the Signature

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