Unban Request for [FL:RP][[IPH]CrayCrayShayNayNay
Your name: [FL:RP][[IPH]CrayCrayShayNayNay

Your ban ID: 46056

Banned by: [FL] Verzyn

Reason: BRA (44035) - Fail RP, chair abuse, priors

Involved: [FL:RP]DeadRed, [FL:RP]-SM-Jericho^ (Me)

Why we should unban you: It started with me being president, and CrayCrayShay was roleplaying as a childish SRU. She was with me the entire time in my office. A rebel leader, DeadRed, suddenly comes into the nexus with a gun and begins to shoot, or makes attempts. I warned him at this point, to stop, because he had no reason to raid. (He later stated that his reason was because a cop didn't listen to him. This is not a valid reason under rules of the server.) She went after him with her gun, and somehow, by her own report, he claimed FearRP on her, even though she had her gun. So she played along, being a donor, not wanting to get banned. But when he tried to hostage me, and stated his reason, he admitted to breaking FearRP and also to Random Raid, he requested that I let him in to either kill me or hostage me, and I wasn't going to allow it because he had broken rules to enter into a stage of FailRP.

At this point, me and CrayCray decided he wasn't worth the time in PM, and she didn't want to, but I asked her to turn around and shoot him, because he had broken 2+ rules. She followed through, and he made bunches of false threats about recording and getting us both perma banned. We then learned that people had been having trouble with him all day, and on a normal day to day basis he has many FailRP cases and gets away with it.

CrayCray does not deserve her punishment, if anyone, I do. But DeadRed needs to be punished for his acts and crimes against the rules. I am asking that under consideration of my testimony and in the justice of server rules, that [FL:RP][[IPH]CrayCrayShayNayNay be unbanned, or atleast dramatically reduced. I feel awful about the situation, and do not want to cause more issues within the banning realm, so I will not ask directly for [FL:RP]DeadRed to be banned, but if I do catch him in an act against the rules again, I will report him.

Thank you for your consideration, I hope my request is adequate for an acceptance.
The evidence posting in the ban request clearly showed you floating around in an invisible pod. In what circumstance is that acceptable? Also i'm keen to understand what a "childish SRU" is.

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