Unban Request
Your name: Exit_Recoil

Your ban ID: 45843

Banned by: [FL:M] Eisenhorn

Reason: So I was banned for doing a Mangano RP, A cop (Kpred) was chasing my friend and about to arrest him so me and my family started shooting, when I say family I mean clan. Then like 15 minutes later Eisenhorn gets on not knowing what the hell he is doing and bans me.

Involved: Eisenhorn, Act0r, Rule 34, Papas, Kpred, Verzyn

Why we should unban you: So this is why I think I should be unbanned, I don't even think that is a logical reason for even a blacklist (Which did happen) but so me and my clan killed the cops, Kpred went on a hissy fit cause we killed him blacklisted me for weapons because he was angry and then left with Verzyn. 10-30 minutes later Eisenhorn gets on, says I have been asked to do further on this case and bans me for calling admins bitches and RDM? I never said that and I would like to see some screenshots Eisenhorn.
Also I feel that the three mods/admins in this unban request are unfair and need a punishment. Well Verzyn doesn't but Eisenhorn and Kpred.... man they are terrible.

- Sincerely Exit_RecoilCool
Yes, I was there. I don't understand why you would ban him after he was already punished by an admin, as if his decision was not enough. You didn't even witness it. He got blacklisted, carried on RPing, then you came in and banned him for something that he was already punished for. You made a decision that makes no sense, the most you could ban for was insults, and even that seems harsh. He was already in trouble. If he needed a ban, why wasn't it already done by an admin? The admin that blacklisted would have banned him if he saw that he needed to. I feel that this is an unfair ban, and completely illogical on Eisen's end. Verzyn, a very experienced admin, blacklisted him for the reason "Shooting at SRU without proper reason, encouraging aggressive RP" For three hours. Why didn't he add a ban on top of that if he needed to? That was the punishment, and he did nothing wrong since then, so therefore, that reason (RDM) is not valid since it has already been taken care of.
[Image: XiLkxQo.jpg]
I hate that you seem to pick at our staff yet cannot see your own faults. KPred stayed very calm but it was actually you who became extremely angry and used vulgar language against us. I decided not to ban you instantly and let you off with a blacklist since I felt that it would only make the situation worse and you would not learn, however it seems Eisenhorn has also had problems with you which shows even after our long talk that you cannot control your anger.

Quote:[00:07:57] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: REALLY?
[00:08:15] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: //That is freaking retarded.

[00:08:48] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//The game is no fun without freaking weapons, now I have to bow to everyones freaking knees.

[00:09:01] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: //There just mad we killed on of them, freaking bull shit.
[00:09:13] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//*** that just send me back
[00:09:19] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//And leave me the *** alone.
[00:09:42] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//Your mad I killed you and your being a imature admin for it, im done here.
[00:09:59] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//You treat ME like shit.
[00:10:25] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//You are the only admins who seem to enjoy your personal benefiet from your job .
[00:11:15] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//Yeah I just got my weapons provoked cause you are mad.
[00:11:30] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//And you are incompetent at that job.
[00:11:47] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//I would make one of those, but again, you would just abuse it to keep your job.
[00:12:03] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//Im done here, send me back
[00:12:39] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//I do, because you are jurks, and you are ruining my game.
[00:16:03] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//*** this shit

This just shows that a) you have no respect for staff yet expect to be treated like royalty yourself, and b) that you are only here to roleplay aggressively which we strongly discourage.
(03-13-2014, 12:13 AM)Verzyn Wrote: I hate that you seem to pick at our staff yet cannot see your own faults. KPred stayed very calm but it was actually you who became extremely angry and used vulgar language against us. I decided not to ban you instantly and let you off with a blacklist since I felt that it would only make the situation worse and you would not learn, however it seems Eisenhorn has also had problems with you which shows even after our long talk that you cannot control your anger.

Quote:[00:07:57] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: REALLY?
[00:08:15] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: //That is freaking retarded.

[00:08:48] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//The game is no fun without freaking weapons, now I have to bow to everyones freaking knees.

[00:09:01] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: //There just mad we killed on of them, freaking bull shit.
[00:09:13] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//*** that just send me back
[00:09:19] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//And leave me the *** alone.
[00:09:42] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//Your mad I killed you and your being a imature admin for it, im done here.
[00:09:59] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//You treat ME like shit.
[00:10:25] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//You are the only admins who seem to enjoy your personal benefiet from your job .
[00:11:15] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//Yeah I just got my weapons provoked cause you are mad.
[00:11:30] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//And you are incompetent at that job.
[00:11:47] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//I would make one of those, but again, you would just abuse it to keep your job.
[00:12:03] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//Im done here, send me back
[00:12:39] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//I do, because you are jurks, and you are ruining my game.
[00:16:03] [FL:RP] Exit_Recoil (STEAM_0:0:78760818) said: .//*** this shit

This just shows that a) you have no respect for staff yet expect to be treated like royalty yourself, and b) that you are only here to roleplay aggressively which we strongly discourage.

Yes, the disrespect is valid but the guns? I don't really think so.
[Image: XiLkxQo.jpg]
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved, warned.
(03-13-2014, 12:33 AM)MittRomney Wrote: Yes, the disrespect is valid but the guns? I don't really think so.

Firstly what is your direct involvement with this case? Secondly this in an unban request not an unblacklist request, if the user feels his unblacklist was unfair he can make one for himself.
I was contacted by another member asking me to look into the case, after speaking to Kpred and Verzyn and getting their side of the story I decided to ask Exit_Recoil for his version. His version contradicted the staff presented one, when I asked him about this. He decided to quote at length to me over microphone what bullshit his blacklist was, and what stuck up little bitches the staff were, I decided at this point that a ban was necessary, I added the events that led up to this ban into his ban reason because they are related.
Fill out the template properly.
This behaviour I'm seeing from you Exit is not tollerated. I suggest you work on your tone in OOC and towards staffmembers in general, or punishments will come along your way.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
You are all just buddies that never admit when you are wrong, you never help anyone else but your friends.

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