Name of playerCheeser3amzyHD

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67538183

Time in GMT: 20:00-20:45 (Not Precise)

Server: 33X

Summary: I was patrolling and I drove down the road. I notice a police officer talking with a paramedic in the middle of road. I braked when I saw them, I pressed the emergency brake and went sideways to prevent a collision, unfortunately, as it slowed, it tapped the paramedic and the Paramedic fell injured. I got out quickly and I looked if there was any other paramedics. But as I was doing so. Dr3amzyHD shot at me almost killing me, I hope you can see the firing of the shots in the logs. Soon after I requested his demotion and a little later, he was demoted from Police Sergeant. (He went to Sergeant after being demoted and got demoted for killing an innocent Civilian which I witnessed.

All of my evidence is after he shot me.
[Image: 3ZqiV4B.jpg]
Reloading, indicating he just fired an entire clip notice my health
This amount of bullets indicate that this was intentional.
[Image: r9AvNso.jpg]
Evidence does not show why he shot you, plus the offence is not worthy of a suspension, denied.

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