Unban Sure Dood
Your name:Sure Dood

Ban ID:45343

Banned By:[FL] ZedsDead

Reason Homophobic language
Involved:Random Guy

Why we should unban you:Hello I would like to be unbanned because a guy was in my shop buying nothing,then he sat at the door went afk for a moment I couldn't leave.I asked him several times to leave.I was going to request the police unti but there was only SRU which protect the nexus.So I was very angry of him blocking the exit/entrance so I said "Buy something or leave you fucking ***!"Which then ZedDead grabbed me and took me next to BP asked me what I said I answered everything truthfully told him what I said.Then he asked me I read the rules I said yes I did.Then (Already knew I was getting banned because That type of language isn't tolerated on ANY fearless server.I learned from my mistakes,that was my first time every using that language on a fear server.But I'm from cali most teenagers call each other "cigarettes" or "gay" when something is stupid or annoying.But don't really mean the true meaning of those words.I really slipped out something I normally say which I shouldn't.I have learned to just say m8 instead now!I also thought 6 days was a little harsh.Especially to me because all day I really just sit on my butt and play Fear rp on v2d.But I understand how much and many people have been affected by that word,and I NEVER meant it that context.-Sure Dood Cool
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
I have myself said these words accidentally. Where I live as well, my friends and I use the words "cigarette" and "gay" not to offend gays, but to call something stupid, bullshit, annoying, etc.. The list goes on. I'm pretty sure the admins have as well at one point in their lives. Since this whole thing about gays has been going on and it's been trending, people are no longer allowed to use those words without getting punished on servers and stuff, and it's pretty stupid honestly. It's not meant to be taken in offense by anyone, nor portray hatred towards the gays.

I'd appreciate if Sure Dood was unbanned because I know everyone has at least used the words "cigarette" "gay" in their lifetime to describe a situation and Sure Dood is my friend and I've never heard him say that before so someone must've pissed him off enough to make those words come out. Sincerely, Captain Pugs <3

- Posting without sufficient rights. User Warned. [FL] ZedsDead

Please read me General Rule nr.14.

You called a player a "fa**ot" for standing in front of your shop, a dupe you had built in public, on public property. He seemed to be AFK in front of your shop, to which you used homophobic insults towards the player, which I overheard. You state that the reason these words are now punishable is because being gay is trending, and that you ment no hatred towards gay men. Now, to clarify a couple of things. Using those kind of words ARE in fact insulting and offensive towards the gay community. We have gay members playing on our server, INCLUDING myself. We have a zero tolerance for those kind of things on our servers, because we do not want people of any gender, age, color of their skin or sexual orientation to be harrased or to be afraid of verbal abuse on our server. And the usage of that kind of language is exactly that. Verbal abuse towards the gay community. And if you think saying "thats so gay" isn't offensive against the gay community, let me explain it to you. If i saw a video or heard a song i felt was stupid, i wouldn't say "Oh, that song is so GucciGodRemix", because it would be insulting towards you.

You broke one of our main rules, and i see no reason why this ban should be either shortened or lifted.
I never said "Thats so gay" Isn't offensive to the gay community.I understand what I did wrong But six days for that?People that Propminging, propblocking shops, Propkilling get banned for six days I don't think homophobic language should result in a six day Ban...I'll except being punishment in being banned but six days?
Rule#14-No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.
I find no problem with the length of the ban, but I will ask for a second opinion on the matter.
Thank you,I know I broke a huge rule that Fear really enforces.But this is only my 3rd ban,The largest one i ever have gained.Most people don't gain a ban like this until they're 6th or 7th ban correct?Well whatever the outcome of this is I'm sorry if I ever hurt you or anyone else that heard me in anyway.I did not mean it in that context and I apologize.-Sure Dood.
Quite a strong insult towards another person, besides it couldn't be more clear:

CityRP Rules Wrote:No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.

The context it was put (as described) was far from acceptable, and you got off softly.
(03-02-2014, 11:06 PM)Narc Wrote: Quite a strong insult towards another person, besides it couldn't be more clear:

CityRP Rules Wrote:No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.

The context it was put (as described) was far from acceptable, and you got off softly.

Ok...Whatever but I never knew a 6day ban was softly?

Thanks for your time anyway gentlemen.

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