Really? 9 hours and now this
Your name: [FL:RP] SwiftDonkey

Your ban ID: 45315

Banned by: Temar

Reason: "Duble accounting, scamming"

Involved: No one and nothing just temar...

Why we should unban you: Like what the hell!? I just played on the server for 9 hours almost 10 hours and now i get a perm ban?! I got banned for double accounting and scamming, i looked up the bans and i saw a guy named something pepsi and the guy was banned for scamming. I dont know if you guys connected him with me or what you did but this ban i REALLY unfair, if you banned me for my BMW and my cash i got it from my brother that stopped playing on the server! Im really mad right now i just started enjoying the server and now PERM ban just like that, not even a waring... something. Hope you can explain your self... Temar
[VO] TheOneAndOnlyPepsi (STEAM_0:1:61620047)

Addis pizza e gott!!!! (STEAM_0:0:34089362)

These names ring any bells?
The one and only pepsi is my brother so yes. But the other one no
Funny, seeing as he connected to our network from your IP address. You sure that name doesn't ring a bell?
As i have 4 brothers of wich i am the smallest i know that pepsi is my brother but the last one you mentioned might have been one of my other brother a long time ago...
lets see, so pepsi scamms
then pepsi transfers all items onto a friends account (also permed for various reasons)
then you a brand new account from the same ip come online for the first time and collect all the items
you are probably the same person using a new account because you knew you was prob about to lose other account for scamming
I find it very unlikly that your brother scammed then gave you all his stuff and stopped playing and you started playing
not to mention its obvious you using same computer as you had to use a 3rd party to move the stuff

and pizza was permed like a year ago for lots of bans, but lets not complicate things with that as it wont make much difference
Still i dont stand responible for what my brothers misstakes so please unban me now...
so anything to prove your not him? cuz everything makes you look like you ARE him
btw in the unlikely case this is approved you would lose all the stuff from the other account
If you can check mabye the copmuter id or whatever i dont know what you guys can do and i cant provide you with more evidence that im not him!
well i know you using the same computer he has used before for logging in on the forum

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