Ah, well this is most odd
Your name: |GM|Langers

Your ban ID: 44979

Banned by: [FL] Shadow

Reason: "Disconnecting to avoid arrest"

Involved: A few people

Why we should unban you: Well the justification is simple. I did not, as is stated in the ban "Disconnect to avoid arrest", but in fact my internet connection suffered what I can only describe as a "timeout", cancelling my connection and naturally terminating my connection to your server, as evidenced in the image below.

[Image: 2014-02-23_00001.jpg]

Apologies for the less than satisfactory quality, but right at the bottom of the console, one can quite clearly see the phrase "Server Connection Timed Out", as well as a host of Server connection failures on the side of Steam, which underlines the fact that my leaving was not a hardened, committed attempt to avoid arrest, which if you look further up the image, one can see clearly that I was doing anything but in game, but an unfortunate problem that in any other circumstance would have been just annoying. I don't know if you log, or discriminate between server disconnects, but the evidence is there regardless.

Unfortunately, by the time my internet connection decided it liked working again, I had been banned before I could apologise for this unfortunate happenstance, but there you are.

Thanks very much for your time regardless.
For all anyone knows, you could've plugged out your internet cable. We need factual evidence from your provider's end.
Approved. You are no longer banned due to having internet problems

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