
My name is Skiff, and I've played on the Fearless servers for quite a while now. I have never really been that active on the forums (or on the server, for that matter) until a few weeks ago. I used to be a 'casual' player, you know, someone who goes on once in a while. Now, I go on nearly every single day.

I have met quite a few fun people on the Fearless servers, mainly on V2P. Well, this has been dragging on for long enough, I think, so, I'll end it here.

Hope to see you all someday, and have fun RP'ing!

Welcome to the forums Skiff!
[Image: image.png]

Ted - International Lover: My gear changes sound like Donald Duck
[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]
Welcome to the community! Always good to meet new people. PM me if you need any help.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Hey skiff, welcome to FL. If you need with anything, PM IG or here.
Kind Regards,
Welcome to Fearless!
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy
Hello Skiff.

Welcome to the Fearless Forums - Mostely i'm playing on v2d.

If if i see you around. I will say Hello.

Have fun.
Welcome to the community, happy to see that you've enjoyed yourself so far.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Have fun and I hope to see you around! Smile

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