I cant play fearless like this!
So... I got a laptop for Christmas and on the f1 key (to open inventory) it shows a '?' and it opens Windows help every time I press it. It also tabs me out and doesn't even open my inventory. I need help how to fix this, please can someone tell me how?

Addition: I dont care if I cant press for Winows Help anymore, I just want to be able to use F1 like normal again and use my inventory.

Yours sincerely,
LOL just press FN+F1 in same time xD
I use ctrl + f1, you must have got a HP PC, they suck for gaming.
If you can't fix issue with pressing f1 then change the bind to something else
Bind gm_showhelp to another key
ZoroasterTheCat Wrote:I find I hit the F1 key on accident quite frequently, and became quite annoyed at this window popping up, so I decided to figure out how to disable it. It's pretty simple: Navigate to C:\Windows and rename Helppane.exe to anything else. I added some numbers at the end. This prevents Windows from finding the target file when F1 is pressed, so nothing happens

If you get an Permission error when trying to rename the file, take the following steps:
  • Go to start, search for cmd.exe, right-click the cmd.exe and select run as administrator.
  • In the command prompt, enter this command: " takeown /f c:\windows\helppane.exe. "
  • Press enter and you should get a success message.
  • Right click on Helppane.exe, select Properties, go to Securities tab.
  • Find your user name, click Edit and check the box labeled Full Control, and hit okay.
  • Choose Apply, and now you should be able to rename the file.

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/1dl9re/
Just hold FN+F1 down and it should do it.
This also works for all the other F1-12 keys. Just use the FN key Cheese!
FN is mainly because of laptops with fewer keyboard button and/or features to the laptop itself. There should be buttons on your keyboard with multible functions, which will usually be marked by blue writing or such on the keyboard. For example F1-12 or numbers. There should be a FN button next to your Windows Start button on your keyboard, which you should be able to just press and hold to activate the secondary function on these marked buttons.
I think that we got to the point now, boys.

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