[GIVEAWAY] Murcielago (x1)
Okay so basically to enter for the prize, you have to give me a number, and write a story about your most favourite memory on fearless. you have until febuary 10th and i will draw it out and pick the winner! Good luck!

Fearless was fun.
A more fitting signature. 

The time I was in my little house in the middle of the woods minding my own business and suddenly a man crashed into my house and his car blew up. Somehow he survived so I took him into my house where nobody would hear him scream... Lets just say that there was a wasted search party that day...

My favorite moments are my restaurant roleplays, but my favorite moment out of all of them was definately when a famous president came and visited my restaurant and all of his officers, was much fun and well roleplayed.
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When everybody had a Party in the Presidents office

Well, it was when i played as a cop and i just did my job, i worked as hard as i could and did the proper job did some SRU later on but tha'ts a new one.

One time in the old(er) days, I was a paramedic and my ambulance had ran out of petrol on the way to a patient. So I hitchhiked with a Corleone in a Trabant and I could hear Ride of the Valkyries (in my head) as he pulled up very very slowly. That one was funny and heroic.
I'd ran up to Flea to find out it was fully backed out so just walked away - After all I was playing FL so my expectations was not massively high. After crashing my lambo into a wall I tragically died lying on the cold floor. After that I remembered being TPed to the Flea by Vauld. In this place was just black coated walls with skulls and a bar. I walked upto the bar and spoke to a mysterious man in a gas mask. It seems he was unable to talk so I walked over to the bench. The same man appeared. During this time all I could hear was scary noises around me and one very loud "boo" noise from behind me. After that I was TPed back.

That was one weird RP Vauld was doing that day.
Kind Regards,

Best moments in Fearless, pff difficult question to be honest. But in my opinion my first DIA RP was one of the best we did it for like 5 hours straight.
"We all do dumb things, that's what makes us human.”

- Hossan Ramzy

When people staryed massively misspelling Soul's name and he turned everyone's player model to a zombie, and all props were suddenly black so I couldn't RP.

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