unban request Dr.fail
Your name: Boystaats

Your ban ID: STEAM_0:0:20547914

Banned by: i dont know who accepted the ban request cus it isnt yet in the approved section

Reason: raiding as a cheff (wasnt aware that was not allowed)

Involved: xXTheLucarioXx

Why we should unban you: I wasnt completle aware of the rules (now i read them all so im aware of em now) and i was told by the raiding party that it was ok and it was a revolution. i just started playing the game so i diddnt know anything about a raid at that time i thought we where holding a revolution because we where not happy about the current president. as soon i walked in the room we broke open his fridge hiding place and the moment he saw me he started screaming your not allowed to raid as an cheff so i was like oke im sorry and i left and started to play catch with an black market dealer. and left the revolution/raid. so i will make sure it wont happen anymore and i read all the rules now.

with kind regards
Boy Staats
The fact that you have not filled the template out correctly reflects badly upon yourself. Please read the unban request rules thread carefully and adjust your thread accordingly.
Denied. Template not filled correctly and rules broken.

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