DC TO Get car back
Name of player: [FL:RP]NicolajXPuddie!

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:36186685

Time in GMT: 18;15 Belgium time

Server: V33X

Summary: So i was a chop shop owner with a store, I stole this person's car and he reconnected to get hes car.

Evidence: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwQQYIpev...e=youtu.be
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
You random Stoled my car. And u steal other peoples car. I know i break rule but u did too so if u want us banned then it is our both...
Rules Wrote:You may steal vehicles to sell them back to the owners or other parties only with valid RP reasons.
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator

He didnt had a reason...
I run a chop shop.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Still You Stole my car without a good Reason so if i say im chop shop then i can steal cars? Sure
Not unless you got a shop and advert and change you're job.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Every can say that... Lol So if i steal car i just say that i was Chop shop LOL
I'm not gonna discuss this with you as i got evidence why i stole you're car even a fellow Community member helped explain it too you yet you keep discussing. I'm going to let admin's handle this and just for the record

Posting BRQ Doesn't mean im thinking im a admin.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
U think ur are people on server agrees with me. And u still dont have a goddamn reason!

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