Name of player: Guardsman

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79631857

Time in GMT: 15:00.

Server: V2D.

Summary: He was "roleplying" some sort of thing that bungijumps and he was stating that he roleplayed this countless of times with staff, `which seems impossible to me.

Evidence: [Image: 556D0ECF61F5545509470992858680AE49742C61]
Dont bother im already banned because you guys cant have fun and prefer to nitpick just to get a new player banned
(01-29-2014, 02:15 PM)Guardsman Wrote: Dont bother im already banned because you guys cant have fun and prefer to nitpick just to get a new player banned

Nitpick? We explained why it wasn't allowed five times. Yet you still decide to ignore them and make up a couple of lies so you can continue.
Already banned, approved anyways.

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