[Unofficial] Blackwatch Corporation (New)
Well the clan just collapsed on itself, we'll take some tips and shit. I'll keep it going until I am employed full-time...
Good luck with Blackwatch.... its been good
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
1LT. Jonathan Kent signs out of duty. It was a pleasure being with you guys, but I feel I should move on. Thank you for all the times soldier you have been well!
[Image: KyhzLMb.png]
Credits to Rain.

Sad to see a good clan go because of the mistake's of 1 person And a leader that didnt do whats right. (Barkles is not the leader)
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.
Well my time in Blackwatch has been an unforgettable one, with its ups and downs, and great RPs. Ill truly miss it. But im afraid with the Miss-fortune that has befallen our clan, i too shall leave. Goodbye everyone!

Cpl. Adam King signing out for the last time!
[Image: B1ry4Eh.png]
Have I helped? Well you could always Rep meh!
Yes I am another to leave, Although i have not been in Blackwatch for long, It has been amazing, The times where me, Scotty, Villy and Jeebus were listening to Metal was a truely unforgetable one, thanks for the good memoeries guys.

Pfc. Artyomn Petrovsky Singing out for the last (And first x3 ) time
Closed per request.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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