a ban from many many years ago
Your name: iron worker

[b]Your ban ID: 3388

[b]Banned by:dryblood

b]Reason: Yet another General Minge

[b]Involved: i cant remember anyone involved as it was a long time ago

[b]Why we should unban you: why should you unban me, when i started playing like 3 years ago i was banned form the server beqouse i was to young and i dint realy know what i was doing i always wanted to play again on the server so i just thought that i would play on the server but unfortunatly i saw i was banned so i search the reason and it all came back i still regret the things i did back then i see now that its anoing for people who wanna play sirious like i do now.i,m not saying u should unban me but i will be realy thank full and be a good player honest,

i hope to a quik but fair awnser

iron worker
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Not involved, warned.
Please explain this account

SRP l Silentscream (STEAM_0:1:24459835)
Got linked this, may as well post.....

Looking at the reason "Minge" a general term used in the past for rule breakers, a ban such as yours I would not have given unless you where either going around thinking it was either CSS or Prop killing everything in sight.

Either way, I'd recommend reading the rules again before you join as it's obvious back then you had no clue what roleplay gamemodes are.

Cheers, and good luck with your unban.
no response...
SRP l Silentscream (STEAM_0:1:24459835) has been banned as double account
and unban request denied

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