Name of player: Horny Santa

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60134831

Time in GMT: ~11:50

Server: v33x

We wanted to raid the base of Horny Santa.
We cracked the first Keypad, then he saw us.
He spawned some props, and blocked both doors, so we can't get in or out...
(look at the Screenshots for an Explain)
We warned him. But he ignores. Suddenly he remove the Doors
and killed us.

[Image: f9ksnytt.jpg]
[Image: we26v4qk.jpg]
[Image: fcwhpy7j.jpg]
[Image: n3lgnibc.jpg]
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:48198156&b=13]
|»» Christopher 'Vito' Tello «|» Encourage Corperation «|» Owner ««|
I would like to say the reason i did that was because you guys were both randomly raiding me, you had no reason what so ever to raid me, you said you've heard contra? according to the rules, you need to inform the cops not take it in own hands. That's the reason i put props there! And i even messaged [FL] Aviator on steam about the server was chaotic, but he was afk, that was the only way i've could done that! No admins or mods were on!
But It's no way to problock us.
And I think, thats enough reason for a raid.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:48198156&b=13]
|»» Christopher 'Vito' Tello «|» Encourage Corperation «|» Owner ««|
Huh? I said i tried to get an admin on, but he was away!
Problock isn't allowed.
At any time.
Not today, not yesterday, not tomorror.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:48198156&b=13]
|»» Christopher 'Vito' Tello «|» Encourage Corperation «|» Owner ««|
Random raid isn't allowed!
At any time!
Not today, not yesterday, not tomorrow!
It wasn't random.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:48198156&b=13]
|»» Christopher 'Vito' Tello «|» Encourage Corperation «|» Owner ««|
What was the reason?
Lets just say like this first of all u broke 2 rules and santa 1 if u want it that way, the rules u broke are random raiding and raiding as citizen and horny prop blocked wich is 1 . Well well u kimd of f***ed yourself here by uploading evidance that will get u banned aswell.

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