BR on assault
Name of player: Assault PentaDragon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33784940 STEAM_0:1:43220095

Time in GMT: 21:50 over in portugal

Server: v33x

Summary: Ok so this guy just storms into our base like it was his property so we shoot him down 3 minuts after there he is again saying he will Put a Br on us for RDM (LOL) and then they just came back loads of time to just spray us down, got video evidence of them pointing guns as my friend is trying to explain he had nothing to do with this when the guy random raids his base, my friend had 0 kills and 4 deaths and they were blaming him for killing them (LOL) they RDMED Random raided Raided with a Gun Dealer ( Cant remember his name) and Based with him aswell.

Evidence: on their way to the next RDM
Were is the whole video?. Were is the part when your members were sniping at us whit a Trang gun. We had a valid resson to raid you. I didnt break NLR.
Me and pentadragon were on the dock fishing. When he get sniped from your base, with a trang gun, i quick watch at your base. and see a sniper. then when i were at the house. one of your base members were there with a galil, he tryed to kill me, but i had kevlar and shot back, then we attacked your base, and we won. you come back with a AK-47 and try to rdm us (Breaking NLR). I didnt try to kill you. we were having a base at lake.
But you were sniping with a trang after us. So what about showing the video, were you guys were sniping us from the hill? with trang guns. and RDMED us?.

and no we didnt base with a gundealer. We needed guns and ammo. so we called him.

IN video number 1, I was about to kill you, you broke NLR and came with a AK-47. I treyd to kill you. you said to me to stop killing you, i then stoped, then your friend sick begain to record. You need to show when your base member sniped Pentadragin with a trang gun, when you attacked us with a GALIL but i survived, we then attacked your base in self deffenc.

Next time you post a BR i think you shold think about what you did to us, and why we raided you. in video 2, we didnt rdm you, that video is like 20 sec later when i explain why we raided you, i explained were the shots came from, and who shot them. so please stop lieing. I got 2 witnees. IF you cant take it to be raided, you shold stop random trang people and snipe them and shoting after random people.

And in the vdeo I was just asking for. Why they Random trang sniped us-2 Why they shot after us. 4 why they treyd to raid our houses.

We didnt even hostage you, we just didnt put the guns down. stop lie, like you said in game
Mate i got bored could not read all that, but i Didn't do anything, and neither did gahom and you just rdmed us, random raided, Raided with a Gun dealer, and Dragon Was basing with him aswell wich is against the rules, and has you can see i waited the 5 minuts even tho i was getting random raided and look i come back and see this.
I did never RDM you, not a single time. You evidince only show when we talked. you dont even show when you snipe, and no we didnt raid with a gundealer.
The only thing we did. We attacked you, AFTER you had sniped Pentadragon, after your mate treyd to kill me with a galil. we got enough of you and, we were going to deffend us, we killed all of your members and raided the base.
I treyd to talk with you, but you answeard back by shoting at us.
Logs will show The truth u can see all that, they killed Gahom raided his base and the poor dude didn't have anything to do with it.
(12-26-2013, 03:56 AM)Ignods Wrote: Logs will show The truth u can see all that, they killed Gahom raided his base and the poor dude didn't have anything to do with it.
We got sniped of your members in the base. we had a valid resson. Gahom tryed to RDM us. We did self deffenc attacked the base to get rid of you. we tryed to be peacefull with you, but you sniped us.
You said, that Gahom was the only one in the base. Why were there contrabands too 4 people?
First Gahom never pulled out a gun, second it was a random Tranquer
He was inside your base, your base had Contra to 3-4 people. Dont lie. he was sniping from the top of your base.
No he was not, you can check the logs, Gahom never pulled any weapon Wink

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