Your name: mrpsychonightmare

Your ban ID: 41082

Banned by: [FL] freezak

Reason: Random deathmatch, FailRP. You should know better.

Involved: rasmus.G.H
Why we should unban you: well my job was "news paper guy", I was giving away newspaper when this fireman came and started to punch me and everyone else and was axing all over the place. I called freezak about 3-4 times. I told the fireman that I called an admin and he kept punching me, I told him to stop. he kept punching me so I pulled an M4 and killed him. I know it was kinda FailRP. but it isn't RDM. freezak responeded only after 5-6 min( I know he is busy with other players too.) I didn't know what to do. I don't want to be banned for something like that. its not that I just killed him, I acted and called freezak.

edit: another thing, after freezak left me frozen to deal with someone, I got a blackout in my place ( I know its sounds like an excuse) . it happend 3-4 times in an hour. after that I tryed to connect as fast as I can to explain freezak I didn't d/c to avoid mod/admin, but then I saw I got banned.
The blackout doesn't really matter in your case, i was busy with some cases, one took even 30 minutes, and after a while i needed to take a break.

Going back to the situation with a fireman (i believe that guy got banned for his offences). You were a "newspaper guy" and he was punching you.

You could simply ran away instead of staying and waiting for something to come. And if we talk about letting you frozen, it took literally 30 seconds as i came back shortly.

You were FailRPing in fact by pulling out a M4 with that job, another thing is that you RDMed that guy.

He could be simply demoted but as i checked the logs, nobody asked for it, and after all there were few officers, yet you took the situation in your own hands.

I still see no reason to kill him, especially as... "newspaper guy".
freezak I really tryed, remember that cop I told you about that cuffed me and tazed me? I coulden't ran becuase I was cuffed and the fireman was punching me.
How did you kill him if you were cuffed?
I would like to explain everything from the start

I was news paper guy, I was giving newspaper. suddanly, a fireman came to me and started to punch me (I was sitting on a chair) I got up, and told him to stop and he didn't stop, I called you. then dud0011 (police officer) cuffed me suddnly and when I asked him why did he do that he tazed me. he asked for a warrant, and waked me up. I was cuffed and coulden't ran and the fireman punched me. at this time I called you, and dud0011 just left me there. while the fireman punching me. after that I yelled that someone will free me, then a cop ( police sergent I think) came to me and uncuffed me becuse he know I done nothing wrong. all the police officer that were around us (3-4) wanted to taze and fireman to make him stop. I told them they can't becuse he is from the goverment. of course the fireman was punching us and axing all over the place. I called you again. after that I runned after the fireman so when you will TP to me you will be right next to him. he started to punch me and I got mad becuase I told him planty of time to stop that. and I killed him with the M4. it wasn't RDM in my opinion, I asked him really nice to stop, after that when he didn't stop I told him I called you, and he kept punching and axing.
After all that sounds also like a backseat administrating as: he was in fact breaking the rules, yet you took the situation in your own hands.

Instead of getting back you could just leave the place when you were finally uncuffed, and request a demotion on him while i was afk.

I would still classify that kill as RDM, because murdering a fireman (as "newspaper guy") with a M4 for his actions is just ridiculous and shouldn't take place.
well... I won't argue with you... but I am not the only one that failRP like that... I just saw someone that was canedian mail.... something like that, and he pulled a gun on someone that done here.

"I was the man in the black suit being shot at. The GD you see had pointed a pistol at me while I was RPing a Canada Post Employee so when he ran off I pulled out my gun and ran after. ADP came in while I was stuck in the door chasing him and shot me to death. " I called you.. I killed the fireman becuase he punched me. self-defence. I know it was FailRP to pull a M4 but still... I don't want to get banned for something like that.... I am trying to do my best to RP and not to break the rules. you saw that on v2p I asked you to come and check my base becuase I was afraid its breaking any rules. and when you came and told that I need to remove 1 keypad, I removed the dupe just to be sure.
I understand, although other people FailRPing "like that" aren't relevant in your case.

Are you going to kill someone IRL for punching you? i would rather use my own hands or other tool which wouldn't kill the attacker, it wasn't necessary especially in this case as it was more of OOC situation (Fireman punching and axing people, thing that would never happen IRL, strictly FailRP).
I never really tough about it... I shot the guy twice to make him stop and scare him but he kept punching me.... well you are right. I am so sorry freezak, I will wait untill I will be able to play
That's alright, everyone learns from mistakes. Good that you actually understood your mistake, you should always use common sense and compare the eventual situation to real-life (anyways not every aspect can be compared to real-life), or simply ask a staff member for assistance.

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