Multiple Prop Offenses
Name of player: Bantox

SteamID: Bantox: STEAM_0:0:52245480
Nawako: STEAM_0:0:48333136

Time in GMT: ~22:30

Server: 33x

Summary: Bantox was creating spheres with chairs in them as a police officer and then throwing them around, (at one point propsmashing a vehicle and killing somebody but I didn't record this) and Nawako was picking people up in random chairs and then messing around with them.

Evidence: The video is made up of 3 clips, one of Bantox when I first noticed it, and another where I started recording again a minute or so later because he started throwing them into the air. The third is Nawako's offense.

Edit: totally didn't forget to add the video
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke
Also a guy name splashtm (tm symbol) was doing what bantox did if this was the time it happened when I was online.

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