Your name:[/b Bizze

[b]Your ban ID:

Banned by: [FL] Pavilion
Reason: Breaking NLR, Prop climbing, you should know much better, 7th ban.

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: i Accept the ban but why to hell 21 days for one time NLR and little prop climb over the fence at the gas station to the corleone village(where you can jump over without a prop)

i hope you will reduce my ban time
You have three hundred hours, and 7 bans. The two rules which you broke were fundamental rules, that anyone with about 50 hours, should be able to follow. You knew full well you were breaking the rules, but you did it anyway. Therefore you ban time was issued longer, due to your priors.
so my next ban will be a perm ban?
There isn't a set amount of bans that you will get before you will be perm'd.

Unban Request, Denied.

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