BR on hobos random molitoving nexus
Name of player:
"Mr Gccc"

"Mr Gccc" STEAM_0:0:40584392
"Sgtbender200" STEAM_0:1:53549212
"Unconscious™" STEAM_0:0:70981740
"[FL:RP] PREDITOR OF WAR" STEAM_0:1:49758344

Time in GMT: 3:20AM

Server: v2d

Summary: Hobos were basing in the pathway behind nexus. I was a NDS and they got all mad at me for whatever reason and ran into nexus and Molotoved it for "showing off a prop" when I was just making toilet for waiting room. These 3 people are the only 3 I have direct proof of them doing it, but the rest were there and participating as well.

Could this be considered a "gang" basing in the city?


Pic of all them staring at me for what ever reason with a Molotov out.

Chat message of some hobos names that molotoved the nexus

Chat proof that "edward" and "morgan freeman" were hobos who physically molotoved nexus

Proof sgtbender was a hobo who helped in molitoving

The physical burning of nexus from hobos

Pic of the list of all who was hobo who participated in molotoving

[url=] Possible basing/public building?]
I didn't touch your barricade so get your facts straight. If you want to promote aggressive RP by taunting the Hobo RP by flashing expensive props then go ahead, just don't drag me into it when I did jack.
You were a part of the group of hobos that got all upset when I made a little waiting room with a toilet in it. So you and your little gang ran inside threw a molotov and ran out for no reason other than you didn't like a simple prop(s) that were in the nexus. Maybe you shouldn't build your hobo base right behind the nexus then hmmm?

Later here is the same group of hobos (more or less I am not sure) are attacking cops with full on firearms. Proving that it is the hobos who are fail-RPing.

"Hobos using weapons
So that fact that I'm apart of a group that had a member molotov your barricade I'm now responsible for every action made? So if one officer FailRPs all the others are banned for FailRP? As for the "Waiting Room" you were talking about how you're are so much richer and you flashed your toilet prop all around. No evidence to back it up, but I'm sure you have some if you recorded and posted.
I did not say you are the only one fully responsible for breaking rules, I just said you were a part of a larger group that did break rules. And well you all were ganging up on me in the window, multiple of you took out molotovs, and all of you were basing behind nexus. You had your own part in this incident. If the admins find you innocent then you got off lucky. Say what ever you like about whatever you want about your own opinion about my waiting room.
I would say it was more of a "Citizens running around with knives and crowbars threatening cops RP" than a hobo RP, also there was a molotov thrown from inside the alley and the person who threw it failed to hit the us cops and set the wall prop on fire instead. Also considering you enjoy insulting in OOC then try to call out others for rulebreaking is just funny.
In Summary: I did not throw a molotov for the entire period of the game (Logs), I did not step foot in the Nexus the entire time, I didn't even kill anyone.

The whole Hobos attacking Cops was because a HSRU was walking around outside and spotted me equipping. He then cuffed me, so the other Hobos pulled out knives and threatened, from there shit hit the fan.

And one last question. Why does a waiting room that takes up the 1/10 of the Nexus have a toilet in plain sight? Hmmm?
From what it looked like (and form screenies I took) it seemed like hobo RP they even had "hobo" as their job. They tried to say I random raided but I was never a cop, only NDS and medic afterwards. (no proof, except chat logs on server)

And with the "insulting OOC" was that to me? or not. If it was, I am unsure of what you are talking about.
I do think that the hobo rp did go too far. But I did not participate in burning the nexus. And may I also add to the part where you were fail rping by spawning a toilet in the middle of the NEXUS teasing us with it because we couldn't have one?

And another thing, I was browsing through the photos, and you only have proof of one or two people with the molotovs. You've added a bunch of names to the ban request. Mine included when I know for a fact that I didn't mollie the building, check the logs. And can I not help one of my comrades that are being attacked by another individual? Once again, I do think that it went to far. I have no idea who pulled out the AWP. And the tranq was not us. Even hobos were tranq by whoever had it. You also stated in the last picture all of the hobos who molotoved the nexus. That's not a picture. That's just all the hobos in general. When only 1 or 2 did it. Looks to me you just want to get us all banned because your angry.
I was RPing a hobo at the time this was happening (I had lost my job as an attorney). While we were in the alley you began 'taunting' use through the window spawning toilet props, waiving them in the air and saying stuff like "Look what I got" and "Bet you wish you had this" (failRP, but it was all in good fun). At this same time cops had begun lining up at the door to raid and arrest us, claiming they needed no warrant since the alley was part of the Nexus regardless of who is occupying it (Not even sure as to why they were all standing there, probably the knifes which were legal).

As the police force began stacking up masses of other civilians and rebels had come in causing trouble (taxi driver CDM, firetruck and taxi both blocked the entrance of the alley which I believed they were trying to help us, not sure). When all the officers were occupied with others we ran outside to get away. No hobo had entered the Nexus, why would we? We were leaving the town for having the entire group labeled for an arrest (without a proper reason) and the last thing we'd do is go into a building where officers were about to come from and arrest us all. By the time the molotov had been thrown the hobos were retreating back to the alley as SRU had begun to make their way outside and we stayed in the alley waiting for the commotion to end. The officers who stopped chasing the other civilians and the rebels away made their way to the alley where you told them that our group was responsible. They all then proceeded to raid us by simply opening fire and rushing through.

As far as the random tranq I did actually get that on video (I can upload it at an admin's request). Naticha (who was a civilian), an officer, and I (a hobo) were all tranquilized, so no, it was not our group that was responsible for that either.

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