Viento Bar RP
Viento Bar, An ideal place to drink, An RP I have been doing !

[Image: 2lkrw5h.jpg]

[Image: 2r5djs8.jpg]

[Image: 2coo10x.jpg]

[Image: 4v03o6.jpg]

Updated Shot

[Image: 2gvvvo1.jpg]

Users that was involved :

Me - ItzBradleey


[BlackHat]Hidayat | Area59
Ex-Server Teacher
Looks good! Keep up the good work.
Kind Regards,
I couldn't resist. ! sorry
Oh hey, where am I? Tounge
Very nice, Role-play! Good job!
*Tongue Click* Nioce
Haha Jan. You just Joined <3 Le RP . Me, ItzBradleey , UkDarkMagic Rp'ed this for a total of 8 hours now
Looks very nicely made! Well done.

[Image: LkB62ld.png]

Nicely done there
Oh that! I remember that cos I was doing BW guard RP I couldn't go ;( guards can't drink on the job :S
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]

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