Unban [log] request - Link66 (Old under 24 hour ban)
Your name: [FL:RP] Link66

Your ban ID: 31095

Banned by: Theomenz

Reason: Homophobia

Involved: ViljoeL, Theomenz

Why we should unban you:

On many occasions, I gave seen homophobia treated as a blacklist offence or indeed no punishment being given towards it and I would much rather prefer a reasonable OOC blacklist. Theomenz also banned the person that CDM'd me and he caused me to do my wrongdoing. I am sure anyone would've been outraged if they lost many weapons due to a careless driver on the road and not be able to get them back due to NLR. I lost my temper and admittedly called him a '***' before realizing that it was actually ban able.
I am extremely passionate about my ban count but not so much about the lengths (Unless it is weeks or months) if it does eventually get removed from the list.

Q : What is so special about you?
A : Nothing. I just think I deserve a different sanction rather than a 'scar for life' on my ban record which makes me disappointed in myself.

Q : If you're disappointed in yourself, then why do it in the first place?
A : It's almost like when you're drunk and you can't control yourself from your actions. It was almost a natural reaction. If someone ran you over in real life and you could still speak and you valued your life, you would most certainly be angered by the others actions and express your emotions verbally.

Like I said, after I had posted it I then realized what I had done wrong, I sat back in my seat and waited for it to happen. I have not written this for symphony but just to let out my opinion and view on this current affair.
Please consider this post carefully as my bans matter to me.


Evidence :

Post regarding Homophobia :

In this post I have gathered some quotes that may prove my point,

'if you are offended, you should really privately contact another admin as opposed to voice it out in the thread'
(He didn't contact anyone. The person didn't take any offence as he knew what he did. I know this is referring to the forum but it would still be the same IG.)

'he realizes that he shouldn't have posted what he did'
(I did after I posted it in OOC)

'I'm perfectly happy to reconsider decisions and actions after discussion with players.'
(I hope this is the same with you as it was a minor offence in my opinion)

Blacklist :

[Image: cheezyproof.png]

If you cannot see this, please use this link :


He was calling everyone ga* and idiots etc and he only got a blacklist compared to me. For proof of this, contact Aviator who blacklisted him.


How it Happened :

Me and VijoeL were doing an RP, where we were pretending to relive moments of my characters past. We were doing a part that involved stealing money from the president's vault. We contacted the president and he agreed that we could go along with the role-play. We then went into the building the president was stationed at, beside the nexus, and then pretended to start robbing his safe when he was out. Some minge security guards that was protecting the complex caught us in the act and started to open fire. We dropped the RP, pretending that we had stuffed the cash into the bag and legged it out of the place firing at the security guard. We then got into my car and drove off. When they were still shooting at us, my car ran out of fuel so I got out and started to run away from the gunfire in the tunnel. When we had almost escaped, a black Hummer as I recall, came speeding towards me. In an attempt to jump out the way, it swerved into me and killed me. The driver then took off from my body, which now had multiple expensive weapons scattered around it, so in anger I said in OO 'CDM fa*'. Next thing I know when I respawn, my screen stutters slightly and then became white with a small grey box in the middle. My heart sank at this moment knowing what I had done wrong and I started to laugh in anger.


Also, there are other ban requests put towards people that have done similar things that haven't been banned.





The homophobia rule :

No racism, sexism, discrimination or hate speech, also not in IC chats.

Yes I did call him a fa*, but he also broke a rule as well. I lost multiple weapons and I believe I had a right to be angry. I wasn't intentionally trying to offend him but show off my anger towards him. In OOC, I didn't even direct the message to anyone specifically, I only said 'CDM fa*' which only implied that CDM was ''gay'', not the driver.

I am sincerely sorry for this and did not mean it to harm or hurt anyone mentally. I am a dedicated player of FL and you all know that I wouldn't let myself do this intentionally. If you need anymore information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

[This is an old ban under 24 hours, I am allowed to appeal due to the new rules] Please go lightly on me with the comments. After all, this was a long time ago when I was still learning how to roleplay properly. If you have any questions, please post here before locking the post because I would like to defend myself.
Kind Regards,

So you showed homophobic accounts and you were banned for it?

The banning administrator chooses how long or what punishment you receive. Mad or not you shouldnt of said it.

I honestly see no reason to take this away since you broke the rules. And for a homophobic ban you should be lucky that it was only a day ban in my opinion.
So you're appealing this now that the rule has been made, although regardless of the length of a ban if you feel it is insufficient it may be appealed.
You broke the rules and there's no reason to remove this ban from your history.

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