Ban request-Tuftygoblin-Keybind
Name of player: Tufty goblin & Keybind

SteamID: They logged off

Time in GMT: 2:10ish not sure what time exactly

Server: V33x

Summary: Well i was pretending to be a news anchor and go interview the prezedent and they started randome arresting me and put me in jail.

Evidence::Look in the loggs because i couldnt take screenshots as handcuffed
what? I never logged off for a start, i was never on "2:10ish" I never arrested you. Show me "proper" proof. Also where was it?
You can take pictures while handcuffed by clicking f12.
(10-15-2013, 06:47 PM)TuftyGoblin Wrote: what? I never logged off for a start, i was never on "2:10ish" I never arrested you. Show me "proper" proof. Also where was it?

oh i thought you logged off and it was near the wall in the nexus you whent get out and i told you i needed to speak to the presedent but you handcuffed me and put me in jail

(10-15-2013, 06:47 PM)TuftyGoblin Wrote: what? I never logged off for a start, i was never on "2:10ish" I never arrested you. Show me "proper" proof. Also where was it?

i also clearly stated that i didnt know exactly what time it was

Insufficient evidence.

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