Alas I have arrived!

I am Sir Majorus the third, wielder of the sacred razerblade, claimer of barren lands and conjurer of the admin's spellbook!
I have ventured from the depths of darkRP to the gleaming light of this plane you call CityRP! Many times have I faced my sworn enemy, wretched abominations we call Minges, truely horrific!

I have come here to rest my weary head, and relax as I process the thoughts of the world. And hope to join the order of the Fearless paladin's once my time has arrived!

I greet you in the name of the scared blade, and I hope we'll see eachother soon friends! Farewell!

Human words now; Hello everyone!

I'm Major, or Tim. A 15 y/o gamer with a good few years of experience of both semi-serious and full serious roleplay. I've been on communities such as RRP, VG, Heartbit, IG, Hellzone, etc.
I'm interested in gaming (No shit sherlock), PC building, roleplaying games and strategy games.
I've been playing on the server as Tim Collins, and I hope to see some of you lads there!

Have a good one!
The following 1 user Likes Maj0r's post:
  • Russkie
Welcome !!
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]
Welcome to the servers and forums, hope you will enjoy this place and i am sure you will. See you around.
Welcome to Fearless!
I got too say: You got style written within your text Here! Wink
[Image: KyhzLMb.png]
Credits to Rain.

Aloha stranger

It is good to see someone joining the community.
Hi there, welcome to the community and the forums!
Oi, welcome to Fearless, I hope you will enjoy your stay.
Welcome to Fearless community & forums.
Welcome to FL, make sure to read the rules, enjoy your stay !
Welcome to FearlessRP, mate. Enjoy your stay and make sure to read the rules Smile

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