Un Ban Request for Zombieshooter47
Your name:[FL:RP] Zombieshooter47

Your ban ID: 37583

Banned by: [FL] Aviator

Reason: Terms of use

Involved: [FL] Aviator

Why we should unban you: I do not even know what i have done wrong, I finish installing my new CPU and this is all i see " You have been banned from our server. " All i could think is that they must of got the wrong guy. I get on the forums and see my name under the bans list. All i ask is you to put a better reason on the ban. So i can look into it better. (There is more then 30 different things I could of done wrong).
You were suspended for duplicating restricted props and sharing them with the general public.
When was this, I have not been on the past day or so. If i was it was for testing reasons.
Sharing it with the general public for testing purposes?
(09-15-2013, 04:16 PM)Killjoy Wrote: Sharing it with the general public for testing purposes?
No. The last thing I duped was a house dupe two days ago. Then my computer started to act up so I went offline for a day. If I was on it was to test the new cpu. I never did any rule breaking duping that I know of.
Well the thing is you made a dupe public which contained contraband props - which are blocked from being spawned in the first place.
( Sorry for the late response ) I just looked at the my dupes on the website. A few months ago in 33x i bought the dupe, as soon as somebody told me that they are banned from the server i tried to delete them. I was un-able to do that so i said " F*** it, I will just ignore them. A few days ago about 3, I finally clicked the character button and went to dupes. I was going to delete them but i thought to my self " I wonder if i can get the original owner of the dupe banned for doing this ". So i transferred them to the v2d. (Reason : I ran out of room on my (CSmile and could not re-download the 33x map and content . ).Before i could go to a admin my computer acted up so i had to replace my cpu. After i finished testing it, I waited till the next day. I got on and i was rejected from the server saying " You have been banned from our servers " . I did not know how it got uploaded to the servers public folder.

Duplications don't just go to the Public Folder. It would have needed to be uploaded and the creator of that duplication was you, therefore I handed out a suspension as you were sharing a banned prop with the public.
Well i never did post the dupe in the public folder.
even If i did post it in the public folder it was by accident.

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