Ban Reguest: The Chief: Propblock, Doom forting
Name of player: The Chief

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:36087665

Time in GMT: 20:30 GMT +1

Server: v33x

Summary: He propblocking and don't hear my warnings that he get a ban for it! ( I often tell him that in occ and pm 15min before he want to fix it.)

And the walls are bigger than allowed!

Evidence: propblock: [img][Image: bupe786z.jpg][/img]

Doom forting: [img][Image: 7basz8x9.jpg][/img]
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Yeah , thats true , it was doomforting with its over 10 metres high walls and prop blocked keypad
User was banned for 3 days for Doomforting and Propblocking.

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