Unban request on me.
Your name: [FL:RP] marccoef -NL-

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15461073

Banning Admin: Killjoy

Ban Length: 10000

Reason for the ban: Unknown? probably cuz of an CDM?

Why we should unban you: I accidently CDMĂ©d a guy.. and BAM, not even a warning, not even a question.. i got banned..
I'm sure this isnt the right way of handling this..

(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Marccoef -NL-: sorry doc..
(Local OOC) [FL] Killjoy: What the fuck is wrong with you
(Yell) Stanley 'Killjoy' Flack: Police! Get down on the ground! Do it!
Please use @ <message> to contact one of the admins.
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Marccoef -NL-: I was checking my back mirror
(ADMIN) [FL] Killjoy global banned [FL:RP] Marccoef -NL-<STEAM_0:1:15461073> for
time 10000 (You get the retard cake.)
Stanley 'Killjoy' Flack: !gban marcc 10000 "You get the retard cake."
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Reason at fearlessrp.net.
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : Reason at fearlessrp.net.

Connecting to
You have been banned from this server.

I've got nothing more to say then this..
i quess..

- Marc
CDM, again. AGAIN. How many times do you fucking CDM people a day? Well I've had it with letting you off because "it was an accident." Learn to drive you damn minge.

This is your 6th ban, so don't expect it to be short.
ahh, now i get the "People should not walk on roads" thing..
Because if they do.. it may get me banned..

Thanks for the help.
You run over people on sidewalks, so can it.
Thats bullshit..

That "docter" was on the road.. i drifted.. he died.

Nvm. just close this.

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